
joined 3 months ago
[–] 2 points 5 days ago

Mass exodus of society, if I rule society and I am society, then it would crumble instantly, versions of me would take over the electrical grid and infrastructure to keep it running, but other than the required precursors to that infrastructure, very few trappings of modern society would stay bar the the internet, the books, the roads but you'd see a mass rewilding and movement into wilder spaces

[–] 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

The most documented genocide in human history is happening in gaza and is fully funded and supported to the point of prisons and deportation in America. This "independent tribunal" never went to xinyang and are an arm of American global influence. How fucking stupid are you, you live in the most facist, evil and more imperialistic nation on earth, tens of millions unnecessarily died because of America this century. who are you to point fingers at literally any nation when your nation was born from the genocide of an entire continent!! Go read a book, Jesus Christ

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Why is it Americans still need to get taxed and drafted even outside their home nation. Nobody else does that

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

70 MILLION+ people voted directly against Trump. Those people don't hate immigrants, fuck off You seem so proud of this. It's actually so fucking funny. Who did you guys vote for. Genocide Joe's little removed. Is that your democracy? Far right and slightly left of far right?

FYI, that's more than the entire population of the UK. More people voted for Harris than reside in the entire United Kingdom.

California has ~40 million people alone. That's one state.

Buddy I'm also south Asian. A people that constitutes a region almost 2 billion and has more cultural and ethnic diversity than all of north and south America and all of Europe combined. I live in Scotland and In my ethnic homeland. Just two of our cities have the population of California. You Americans are a genuine embarrassment of stupidity sometimes. Also 95% of USA is non native, even less attachment in the land. The real ones are those on reservation

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I'm aware of the size of America buddy, most of the world bar America is good with geography, don't project on me. But where am I wrong, most of your varied food isn't yours, they come from Latino, Asian, African, Carribbean mixes. Again, all the people systematically persecuted and treated awfully in your nation from genuine hatred on side to lip service and maintaining the status quo on the other

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

No, a born Muslim. He had never been with friends with one. Dude was acted like old style republican. He worked really hard while in uni in America to pay off all his student debts while still studying so that when he did his masters in Scotland, his finances were clear. Didn't like trump but hated Hillary. But didn't vote for trump nor Biden

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (4 children)

you can drive pretty much anywhere in the state of NJ, and be unable to swing a cat without hitting a world class pizza place, great Chinese food, amazing sushi, Mexican, Thai, etc. etc. Like quite literally the best pizza in the world.

The food you will find in a literal hole in the ground in Paterson fucking NJ is better than most of what you can find from South England to Edinburgh.

Is that it? Food, that isn't even your food. Food of the immigrants your nation absolutely despises yet all your culture and reasons to come are for the immigrants like the African community, native American, amazing diverse food that wouldn't exist without the immigrants.

I can't deny, you definitely have more variation, but also the fastest and most obese nation on earth, so I'm good, id rather eat in Edinburgh where my healthcare is actually free. And every city looks different and unique, our roads and highways respect the nature and history of the nation and even do UK, isn't that great, it's a hell of a lot better than America (apart from the cold and rain(

[–] -1 points 1 week ago

So you want world peace or not?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

It will take generations for the U.S. to earn credibility again, and I don’t expect that we’ll ever earn the same level of trust. We don’t deserve it. You're right about that, except you will never earn any trust whatsoever only just go lower and lower until you have a real civil war to determine is if it's a fascist nation or not