Why do people on here act like defending something someone else said is somehow different from saying it yourself? You opened with saying you wanted to down vote me, and then called me a clown.
I still genuinely want to know why on earth, like completely unrelated to this, why you would choose to use an app that takes away basic functionality?
Because you asked how you could possibly know someone who's username is "katy ✨" was a woman. That is clown shit.
Doubling down on misgendering is transphobic. It's fine if it's an honest mistake at first, but the correct response to being called out on it, or seeing someone else get called on it, is not to downvote, not to argue about it, but to say, "sorry, I didn't realize" and correct it.
But no, I'm sure that your motives for fighting me on this have nothing to do with transphobia, you're just fighting on it because, what was it again? I was "too aggressive" in calling out transphobia? I guess if people can say, "I'm not fascist, I'm just anti-anti-fascism," then your version is, "I'm not transphobic, I'm just anti-anti transphobia." My sincerest apologies for not making the distinction.