Have you tried blanching? I never noticed a strong smell that way.
my son's laugh
Not the middle of the roadway, but the buildings lining it. Paseo Boriqua is the cultural heart of the neighborhood.
I'm sensitive and expressive, but I also have self-confidence out the wazoo. The idea that someone else might disapprove of me expressing my emotions is one that took me me thirty years to learn and even now I still don't care about their disapproval. Oh, there's a time and a place, sure, but if I'm watching President Bartlett give a rousing speech on The West Wing I'm gonna cry and that's that. Anyone who disapproves of my manly tears is just wrong.
Between the flags on the Paseo Boriqua, Humboldt Park, Chicago
Can't believe no one has said "flow state" yet.
I wait tables, and I'm damn good at it. When everything goes just right on a really busy shift, it's common for experienced waitresses to hit flow state and it's one of many addictive patterns that keeps people, especially people with ADHD, in this job.
For those unfamiliar, flow state is a qualitative shift in consciousness that increases awareness of task-related stimuli and decreased awareness of irrelevant stimuli while speeding up reaction time, draining away uncertainty, and making every small success feel like it's propelling you forward. It's got some of the energy of an adrenaline rush without the comedown — flow state gracefully fades out without a crash. It's like you just became more efficient, everything you need is right to hand, and triaging and prioritizing the subtasks in front of you becomes effortless.
It is the second-best part of my job, even better than the feeling of genuinely helping people.
Because no one's going to make money off it and thus no one has a stake in promoting it.
If all a candidate has to do to get elected is be less evil than the other, then there's no incentive to be good; instead candidates are free to be as evil as they want up to the limit of the opposition. If a candidate had to be less evil than the person they're succeeding, sure, we'd get less evil over time. But that's not the case, they're compared to their opponents not their predecessors. Every time we elect someone shitty we show them they don't have to be any better than that to get elected.
I've been saying it for years and every time I'm told "but if you don't vote the lesser evil the greater evil wins!"
Well, as predicted, if you do vote the lesser evil the bar is lowered year after year until both are significantly more evil than before. Standards must be enforced. We need to demand candidates that are better than last year's, not just better than the opposition.
Mass murderers would be handled about the same, ie. taken down by local security after the fact.
Terrorism would be less likely to happen; without an organized state to terrorize, what's the point? There's no one to agree to the terrorists' demands.