
joined 6 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Can they remove a bad review without text?

[–] 16 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Great! Fur is unecessary, and creates unecessary suffering.

Fur isn't even close to being necessary, wool, cotton and plastic/chemicals is more than good enough.

[–] 37 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I have always found the concept of littering bizzare. And not from a "do what is right" perspective.

"Do you not understand that it will be there basically your entire life, unless someone picks it up!? Every time you walk by, you will see that wrapper you just threw on the ground for months and years. You have pockets!"

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

Yup, it's overblown. Just wanted to give an explanation, you never know what level of awareness other strangers have online. Wish you the best, and see you around!

[–] 20 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It is not a problem in many contexts. For instance complementing people in social non-work gatherings. "Wow, you look great in that suit", or "You are even prettier than I remember". Or when talking about someones ability to attract attention.

However in the context of an important message from a person, it derails the conversation and kinda just objectifies a person. As if it is more important than what they are saying or contributing.

It basically boils down to this: Do you want to be remembered for being good looking or your contributions to this world? How does it feel to be unsure if you got the job, because of looks? Or if people are listening because of your looks?

I am glad you asked, and I already saw someone gave a great explanation, but wanted to pitch in as well 😊

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Consider other works of art that more than one person contributes to. People do research together, people make software together, bands make music together etc. I guess Christopher Waltz isn't creating amazing art when he portrayed Hans Landa in the opening sequence of Inglorious Bastards, or any other actor for that matter. They are just doing what the script tells them to.

When you sing you make something original. The lyrics might not be, the other instruments might not be, but there is only one exact voice that is yours.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

I identify with Norwegian and western european liberal values. I believe in free speech, democratic values, science, press freedom, human rights, unity, being compassionate, a strong welfare state, equality, womens rights, lgbtqia+ rights. I also have a sense of feeling that all europeans are my peers and that we are a collective. When Russia attacked Ukraine, it felt as if they in some way also attacked a close neighbour, a friend and our way of life.

[–] 21 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Just came across . Seems like there are more good reasons to avoid it besides it also using Yandex as an index.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

Yes, but not fully. They have their own index as well. They have also recently started a partnership with Ecosia to focus more on that effort.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I totally agree that it is a miniscule amount. I try to prioritize more effective actions for other causes I care about, but personally am uncomfortable with any compromises with Russia at the moment. Luckily it's basically close to zero products and services that are Russian, so it's easy to avoid. So everytime I come across something Russian, I just avoid it. Kagi is one of the really rare times.

There's also non-economic reasons to avoid a Russian index considering their reputation with misinformation campaigns. Even a slight nudge in the direction of Russian positive propaganda is damaging. But this was not my initial argument.

There is also the information gathering aspect, knowing what people search for (even if anonymous) is valuable.

[–] 12 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I see your point, but I think there is a meaningful difference.

Russia started a war with a peaceful nation. It is in no way, shape or form a provoked war.

There are a couple of ways you can react to hurt the agressor. With the goal of making them stop hurting the innocent. Military action is one, economic is another.

Most European countries have decided to hurt them economically. As a European I agree with this, and fully support it. I try my best not to support the Russian economy. If Russia as a country changes in the future, my view will probably change as well. This is a war that Putin started.

That said, I believe the support from the US to Israel was wrong. The US has been supporting genocide. One could argue that supporting the US economy supports these sorts of actions as well. However, the scale is important and how much involvement is important.

If you had mentioned an Israeli company, I would agree 100%. The difference is that the US have not been spending 1/4 to 1/3 of their entire fiscal budget fighting a peaceful democratic nation as the agressor.

Anyways, at this point I am kinda mad at the US for being a unreliable partner and going to trade war with Europe and bailing in their responsibilities when it comes to the war in Ukraine and creating uncertajnty within NATO, threatening nations etc, anyways. So not spending a lot of money on US goods and services at the moment either no.

[–] 19 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

I have been sick a lot lately, so have had a lot of time on my hands. I don't have a search for Kagi or something. I wanted to use Kagi though, so I was disappointed when I realized that they want to continue this practice.

What are you implying with it being suspicious? In what way?

If Kagi pays a Russian company for a service, that company pays taxes to the Russian government.

Russia spends 32% of its budget on the Russian military. So for every dollar they get in taxes, one third is spent on the Russian military.

With a corporate tax rate of 20% that means 6.4% of Yandex profits go to the military. Since Kagi is mainly a paid service, I don't want my money to go to the Russian military, and I guess a lot of other people don't want this either.

The Russian people are not to blame, and I am sure a lot of great people work at Yandex and at different companies in Russia. That said, Russia chose to attack a peaceful democratic country, they are currently sanctioned by a lot of western countries in hopes that it will pressure their economy enough to force them to stop the war.

There isn't much we can do to stop the conflict besides hurting them economically and supporting Ukraine. If we continue to use Russian products and services then that does not work. Unfortunately this affects everyone in Russia.

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