I saw my first tesla a few weeks ago. I was walking in a target parking lot, and it passed by me to get to the other end of the parking lot, which is a strip mall.
I felt it was my civic duty to go laugh at what I THOUGHT was going to be a 50 year old white guy with a red hat. I was going to go walk up to him, point, and laugh. Calling him a pussy free loser for driving that car.
I was not prepared for what happened next. I see the car circling around, like it can't find a spot, even though 90% of the strip mall was empty. Finally, he pulls up right next to the spot I was standing near. I was like "ooooooh, here we go!"
Door opens on the passenger, and 3 little Asian kids get out. Followed by an Asian woman in her 30s. Then the driver side opens. And a blind Asian man gets out.
Now what the fuck am I supposed to do??? I'm still trying to figure out if/how he was driving. I'm not saying being blind is a coverall for shitty behavior like driving a tesla......but I just couldn't bring myself to call a blind guy a pussy free loser in front of his wife and kids.
NONE of it makes sense. And I feel dumber for having experienced my first tesla.
Seriously though, does ANYONE have any context for how a blind man with seeing stick can drive a car? It's been driving me crazy, because I know what I saw......I just can't explain what I saw.
A small loan of 1 million dollars.