
joined 4 weeks ago

I found this channel and I'm going to post the screenshots below. The video has links in the description which prove the screenshots are genuine. For clarification, the 20 year old knew the 14 year old was 14 prior to these comments being made.

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T, the person with the green avatar and geometric name, says that the pedophile allegation is slander, because people can't speak for another person's intentions and people are interpreting those comments the wrong way.

I'm trying to get an unbiased judgment of these comments here. is there any other way those comments T posted could be interpreted?


I read a study from American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, which said there is "no evidence" that peanut dust becomes airborne. However, I have read several news articles about people with severe nut and peanut allergies having bad reactions:

In another case, a 14 year old girl had a reaction that caused her to lose consciousness after a passenger kept eating nuts next to her:

I know that in science, a lack of evidence of something happening under controlled conditions doesn't mean that something isn't possible or doesn't happen. For a long time, there was also no evidence that germs existed. Blaming the reactions on "hysteria" seems like ableism to me, similar to how people used to blame ME/CFS on "laziness". With the peanut allergy on flights, I'm not sure there's an ethical way to properly test this.

I developed a severe peanut allergy when I was 10. I'm 35 now. I went into anaphylaxis from eating two milk chocolate m&m's that had traces of peanut. I developed this allergy shortly after my last ever flight. I've never eaten actual peanuts.

I have family in New Zealand, which is very far away from me. I haven't visited them ever since I was 10. Is flying too risky for me? I'm going to be flying over the ocean most of the flight, and all my Epi Pens do is give me an extra 20 or so minutes to get to the hospital.

[–] 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wouldn't be surprised if the Trump administration threatened Disney into ditching it.

[–] 16 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Trump is complicit in genocide.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

In the video the guy apparently was passed out, but didn't start to breathe until the rescuers yelled at him to breathe. People in the comments are acting like the guy would've died had the rescuers not yelled at him to breathe.


There's a common saying that you can't die from holding your breath, because once you pass out, the autonomic nervous system takes over and you'll start breathing again.

The inspiration for this question is this video of a guy who apparently almost died from holding his breath too long, and being told to breathe while he was blacked out is what saved his life. People in the comments are praising the rescuers for saving the guy's life by slapping him and shouting at him to breathe after he passed out from holding his breath, and are acting like had the rescuers not yelled at him to breathe, he surely would've died.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hello, thought I'd add some clarification and context as OP's post is pretty long and difficult to read. OP is talking about this post, and is asking if the person the post is about, shinigamiookamiryuu, could be considered a troll.

It appears Shinigamiookamiryuu is known for doing controversial things across the internet on their various aliases, such as requesting a story being written of themselves and a forum member who they knew was 14 going on a date together.

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They also downplayed Elon Musk's Nazi salute, and compared it to Pokemon:

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