It will happen in bits and pieces. I bet Alberta will go first. Then my home province of sask. Then someone else and so on.
Do it you fucking limp dick
You'd need part of your military to turn on him which likely won't happen. Our military isn't even remotely capable of standing up to yours.
Pretty much the level of thinking of these people.
Palantir was literally started just for this.
Come on man. 99% of us grew up in conditions that are soft and easy. I've seen extreme violence on a daily basis, but I can still be certain that whatever violence I've encountered would be puppy piss compared to what other people in the world go through. It's led me to be soft. And unless you live in some enclave of extreme suffering somewhere in canada nobody knows about, you are probably just like me. Probably even softer seeing as you lack the self awareness that would allow you to be honest with yourself about what you are. I dunno, maybe you're in the military or something?
It's weird for a long time I always thought that silicon valley was a liberals wet dream. Now in the last year or so, I've come to realize that is not the case. They are all about control.
Which might be what he wants. To declare a national emergency so he can send in the national guard on you guys.
Still different. They are way more advanced than us. And we have way less grit than either of those groups. The viet were willing to live in spider filled holes in the ground. Afghanistan had been at war for years when the us went in so they were hardened already. I think if the current administration had been in power during either of those wars, both countries would have been crushed. The political winds in the us have shifted towards extremism. Trump could totally throw us in concentration camps right now and genocide the entire country and I'm thinking he would get away with it since there would be no backlash at home. Half the people down there would be able to do the mental backflips to justify it and the other half is broken and weak. I genuinely think that Trump can do whatever he wants at this time and get away with it. He's already purged enough of the government of people with integrity that by now, he is untouchable. We are in danger beyond belief and nobody really seems to be alarmed enough.
Two different situations. That was before the us had sunk trillions of dollars into its military.
I work in corrections. Doubt we'll see a drop in crime any time soon.