
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Sadly that not going to work; liquid explosives are a lot less reliable and far more unstable than the stuff they use now. All it takes is a little leak or some crack to set those off. This means manufacturing the mines is significantly more hazardous and transporting them is riskier. You wouldn'tbeable to stockpile them because the explosives would be losing potency from the moment the chemicals were made. Worst of all since they can't be used to make shaped charges most of the explosive force would go into the ground instead of being directed up and anti tank mines would be impossible.

This isn't to say self deactivating mines are impossible but every solution I've heard is either impractical or could easily be exploited by the enemy.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

Mc Kinsey are the guys who invented and popularised the idea of executive bonuses for short term company performance and the idea of layoffs to temporarily make those companies look like they're doing better. They've also consulted for all of the most evil companies in this thread while they were doing their most evil shit. They constantly do the most courpt stuff imaginable. Often their advice creates massive problems which they will then sell their services to the people cleaning up their mess.

They've consulted for hostile nations while being paid by the US government to give advice on how to deal with those hostile governments.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Good God do I fucking hate the lobotomisation of our language to please algorithms that were made to please advertisers. The world is messy and gross if you want real people talking about the real world don't fucking try to hamfistedly sanitise everything they say.