It intelligence is wealth than why did Eistein and any of the other hundreds of scientists whose discovery our world rests upon all without becoming billionaires?
Do the right thing Canada. Arrest warrants for all involved.
Fuck copyrights.
Except with email, the sender and receive have no choice. With Lemmy, both can pick an instance that isn't relying on whitelist/blacklist rules.
Nah. It's worse than that. They are Cyphers.
Those who've seen the sky, cry out to be put back in the matrix and will murder to get back their blissful ignorance.
See: Fired federal workers who still support Trump.
All of that can be equally true for cloud infrastructure. There is argument that the cloud company is more incentivizing to use 2 year olds to save labor costs.
In the cloud admin world, no one knows you're a toddler.
Yeah, the memory reset is a positive. Having to remember is the curse.
On-prem allows you 100% control on the downtime. You build internal trust by deciding when to upgrade, availability of hot swap, rollback, etc.
Cloud is just trust and it's out of your control if they break that trust.
America: The war should have ended in 3 days.
Zelensky: You sound like Russian propaganda.
America: How dare you! We used the American translation!
The irony.
How do manage reputation score with other servers for your outbound mail?