In the articles it describes how the russian politicians responsible are getting flak and trying to backpeddle/cover up the issue so clearly language works here.
Near as I can tell, TVPWorld is not a parody news site. It should probably have been posted to NottheOnion instead.
Why were there provincial barriers to trade in the first place?
Wish the company name was included. They seem to have their shit together.
The Fediverse (turns and exposes bare back)
Rags, Cloth napkins/kerchiefs, farmer's blow when outdoors...
This is a list of initial 3rd party scripts the website lists in Ublock. Akamiedge is Microsoft and google is well Alphabet and are both US corporations.
Maybe start complaining to your MP that tax dollars are funding US companies through CBC, and write to CBC to advise them to revamp their websites to not use US tech company infrastructure.
My understanding is that the US maintains control over the fund. As such, IMO, it is likely they plan to spend the money on US contractors helping to rebuild UA. At first glance this may seem mutually beneficial, but it still means the funds are getting pulled away from UA instead of being spent towards UA contractors doing the rebuilding.
I'm just guessing though. I'm keeping an eye out for any analysis articles published by a reputable news agency for clarity.
When Russia ~~sends~~ forces crippled men to the front it’s desperate and pathetic, when Ukraine allows it it’s honorable and inspiring?
I suggest you volunteer with the War Amps (edit: or equivalent Amputee support organization) to broaden your understanding of what is actually possible by people with human spirit.
You could just grow your own with instructions on how to make sourdough starter.