In order of hopeful least hopeful:
- I finally create my first ever original song using something like Vocaloid or UTAU. Would absolutely prefer Vocaloid because I tried v6 once and it was so much nicer than UTAU/OpenUTAU and so much easier.
- I actually finish a Wattpad series I started instead of letting it rot after I lose interest.
- Pokémon Empire (my absolute favorite fan game, just below Uranium) doesn't get nuked by Sintendo.
- The devs still working on Uranium finish the post game and let you capture the legendaries mentioned in the Tsukiyomi village museum(?).
- I finally get the remaining books in the Bakuman manga series and actually read the whole series. I've got the first 9 volumes, so I should hopefully be done at some point before the end of the decade, assuming my favorite place to go for used manga has the other 11 volumes at some point or doesn't close down.
Congratulate him on being bad and ask for advice on how not to be nervous when talking to strangers because clearly he's got to have gotten over that if he's an evil counterpart to me.