The tone of this is disgusting from Smith. God I am so fucking sick of conservatives. Every demand is just climate change horseshit that wont help Canada. But I think the PM should probably agree to many of these. We should probably build pipelines, and lift the tanker ban in B.C. Bring back plastic bags and plastic straws because conservatives are actual fucking children who cant compromise on basic shit like that without shitting their pants. The net-zero car mandate can be removed because its just a virtue signal anyways and people will shift to EV's naturally, because they are just way better in every conceivable way. Ignore the rest of the demands. This will give them a win, they can stick their pacifiers back into their mouths, and we can handle the crisis we are dealing with now. Once the political situation is stabilized we can get back to work on plastics and climate change etc. But Smith is a fucking traitor and needs to go eventually.
I think nothing actually pisses me off more then the Albertan oil dudes who are constantly bitching and complaining about how they are so mistreated. I lived in Edmonton for 2 years and met a lot of oil patch folks. And I have a few friends of friends who work there. Every single one, without exception, is ROLLING in fucking money that they don't know what to do with. They buy themselves a big truck that they don't even use most of the time because they fly to fucking work (company pays for plane tickets) they buy themselves a condo, and they go to country bars every weekend and blow 100's of dollars on booze and strippers and blow. Give me a fucking break acting like your this poor oppressed people because the rest of Canada wanted to lead by example in fighting climate change and keeping plastics out of the environment. Fuck me. A lot of our environmental stuff can be reasonably disagreed with. I am a builder and personally I think a lot of the step code in new homes is pretty impractical and a bit green-washy. We have added a shitload of extra costs to homes in plastics and tapes and insulation and labor making homes slightly more efficient, by just a few %, when the manufacturing of all that material far outweighs the savings in energy. However, I don't feel the need to tear the country apart over it. I accept that I will eat some extra costs in this stuff and make slightly less, but overall, its still pretty awesome to be a builder and live in Canada. Maybe ill try to make arguments to local politicians, or vote for the changes I want to see. Threatening unity in Canada during this moment in time is fucking unforgivable.