Kraft being labelled as Canadian is daft
If you are going to pitch “public, terrestrial infrastructure”, you better link to some explanation of how it would be remotely economic or feasible.
Holding out for terrestrial infrastructure means no connectivity in practice much of the time. Classic case of letting the dream of a perfect plan become the enemy of a good one.
[edit: not pro StarLink by the way]
We are talking about problem in their living rooms or offices, not just on the trap line.
Not even a fork. New code.
However, look at the polls before and after the recent swing in Liberal fortunes. There is little movement in the conservatives. It mostly a shift to Liberal from NDP.
So the Liberals have gotten back people protesting the Liberals, not people the genuinely like the Conservatives.
Sadly, I do not think he will pull many conservatives. All he needs to do though is hold them to the 30% of wing it’s who love the blue and to pull enough NDP votes to win.
Personally I think it should be a requirement to be vetted by a country’s intelligence service in order to run for office.
I am not saying that you cannot run or be voted in. You can run no matter what.
I do think that the results of your screening should be public. Not the details, more just the thumbs up or down.
People need to know the danger you are in.
Yes please. So clearly the right move.
Their strategy instead is to announce wars and terrify every 20 minutes so that the news cycle is too full of other crisis to remember this guy.
We should be calling the US media to run stories about the problem Canada has with drugs coming over its southern border.
Trump took office on January 2025. Boycott started in February 2025. Ya, you really got us with those 2024 numbers. “Mike drop” indeed.
All that does is highlight how much they have to lose. Canadians were 20% of their tourism in 2024. Let’s get that down to zero.
I am going back to /.