Casual Friday isn’t for 4 more days
I had three weeks off over Christmas this year
Oh my god it was nice
Best of luck tomorrow, may “catching up on emails” be all the excuse you need to avoid being bothered.
Thanks, my understanding may have been wrong then
I will do more homework on this
Just make sure to follow whatever arbitrary rules the tour has.
You don’t want them to have to stretch or press you.
In hindsight he was the best leader they had in a long time
But the Cons are kind of like the scorpion and the frog and I did not trust them one bit.
With all due respect, election reform is at the bottom of the list of my priorities as a voter.
I would have liked changed, but no two official parties agree on what the solution is. Trudeau tried it and that’s why he didn’t do it.
Doing this again and making it a big issue is just going to go exactly the same.
Yeah that's not really his fault at all, in his position I think it's expected that regardless of the political situation you see it through.
I wouldn't say months of repeated messaging in official speeches is "off the cuff"
They don't have shows on their website... wish I knew of them sooner!
I loved seeing The Beaches when they were smaller at House of Targ. I still love the Beaches, I saw them at City Folk last year, I don't think they'd fit into Targ anymore.
I mentioned in another comment I don't think she would be Trump's foil, I think she would be his punching bag. She can take a punch, she seems damn tough, but I don't think that's what the country needs right now.
Doing the same job here he had no influence and doing the same job there he ruined everything?
Maybe the UK is worse off because of Brexit, an event which had really only one outcome: worse trade policies, and using less efficient industries to compete against more efficient competitors.
His critiques of Carney are driving me insane
They're just blatantly wrong and basically lies.
These guys have been working for 3 months to dig into Carney, and all they have is he gave Trudeau advice for a few months, and the investment company he worked for created a headquarters in the base of investment companies in the world.