Also, you can use your bank card online as a credit card.
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I dont see how you can do that without launching your own national credit card companies. And good look trying to do any grass roots organizing for that.
I mean, how long would it be until the next fascist Canadian prime minister?
Better to just get the government out of our wallets.
Even if we dumped all online transactions and used cash for in person transactions, there isn't enough cash in circulation. Less than 3% of US dollars are printed on paper. The rest is just numbers on spreadsheets. There is no way we could function without electronic payments. This is true in almost every country that has a central bank that engages in fractional reserve banking.
For anyone curious like I was, Dicking Around is not what i thought. Looked it up and...
"the phrase "dick around" is actually from "dicker around" which is a 19th c. term. "Dicker" is to "Engage in petty argument or bargaining" and "Treat something casually or irresponsibly; toy with something". So when someone is "dick[er]ing around" they are treating serious matters lightly or doing things in an unnecessarily protracted way; which is precisely how we use it.
The word "dick" however, which I would gather, people would envision it meaning "penis" here, simply doesn't work. We don't use "dick" as a verb, yet alone a progressive verb. "To dick" or "to be dicking" a person, although fairly clear in its sexual connotation, is certainly not in use, "dicking (with) a person" however, makes perfect sense, because it's from that ye olden term "dicker" again.
So "dicking around" has nothing to do with the slang term for penis or the disused colloquial meaning of a rookie detective, or it being an everyman"
tho clearly OP didnt kno that and instead masculinizes his speech to be 'man talk' about and for Men.
edit: OP seems less evil than was implied.
Thank you for looking up the definition, and I can recall that "dickering" would be definitely used when bartering and I think I grew up with "stop dicking around" as a colloquialism for "let's get serious about this". I clearly did not intend for the title to be for men only, but I can see how the wording could offend and in fact I was a little uncomfortable with it myself. I was searching for a word stronger than "playing" but didn't want to go with "fucking". Either way I have edited the title. Women actually are the demographic to target for this kind of action as women perform a massive 80% of domestic spending!
Hilarious how "oh sorry i was busy dicking your mom and dicking your small child" is thus a totally acceptable and innocent sentence.