Unclear to me at what stage the "self-guided" part kicks in here. I can imagine several cases where these can be extremely useful though: One is simply having a self-guidance mechanism that can be turned on at the final approach to when signal can fail due to proximity to the ground. Another case altogether could be to let a munition loiter, and then just activate a self guided attack once a target is found. Also, I could imagine that they could let a drone "taxi" itself to a loitering position before a pilot takes over.
Combine some of these, and suddenly a single pilot can effectively fly a dozen drones at the same time, only needing to check in on a loitering drone, and select targets before checking the next drone. If a drone is used to hit a target, three more can be en route to the location, and the pilot can just take over control as they arrive.
Seeing as one of the disadvantages of drones is that they're relatively slow, this could massively multiply the amount of damage a single pilot can do!