it's called tit for tat
Refusing to answer questions. Edit: trolling would probably be a better word.
It's a fair point. I agree they would have attacked Zelensky no matter what, but IMO when Zelensky handed them their ass they fell back to core principles and so unsurprisingly resulted to classist insults.
Regardless, I'm really not that invested in the topic. My issue was the OP was hiding behind quotation marks instead of saying what they wanted to say and sealioning instead of explaining when people asked for clarification. My interpretation being so off mark itself shows an explaination was warranted.
If you don't understand how criticizing not wearing a suit relates to working class I don't think I can help you.
Going after someone for not wearing the right colour suit is similar in nature: 'you are not one of us'.
So secret it is in the news.
A blowhard obfuscating a very simple and commonly understood message: clothes matter. They communicate your status, ideology, and alignments. The recent fiasco in the White House where Zelenskyy was criticized for not wearing a suit coupled with the protest image depicted above strongly suggests a commonly heard refrain around these parts:
This is a war between classes. Oligarchs/Plutocrats vs Workers.
And consequently Zelenskyy identifying with the working class is the real reason Trump is withdrawing support.
There's more to it I'm sure, but frankly, I can't be bothered when people vomit word salads instead of just saying what they mean. It is more important for them to 'sound' intelligent, than communicate their message so I give them what they want :P
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