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Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-10 11:26:43 AM | Source

MORE PLEASE! (i.redd.it)
submitted 51 minutes ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-10 04:36:12 PM | Source


Originally Posted By u/Lemonpup615 At 2025-03-10 01:24:28 PM | Source

X is down (i.redd.it)
submitted 51 minutes ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-10 02:18:57 PM | Source


“NEW YORK (AP) — Federal immigration authorities arrested a Palestinian activist Saturday who played a prominent role in Columbia University’s protests against Israel, a significant escalation in the Trump administration’s pledge to detain and deport student activists.

Mahmoud Khalil, a graduate student at Columbia until this past December, was inside his university-owned apartment Saturday night when several Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents entered and took him into custody, his attorney, Amy Greer, told The Associated Press.

Greer said she spoke by phone with one of the ICE agents during the arrest, who said they were acting on State Department orders to revoke Khalil’s student visa. Informed by the attorney that Khalil was in the United States as a permanent resident with a green card, the agent said they were revoking that instead, according to the lawyer.”


Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-10 04:06:45 PM | Source


Originally Posted By u/hauntedhettie At 2025-03-10 03:03:32 PM | Source


The orange tyrant is on track to spend over $50M this year on security for his many recreational outings (golf, NASCAR, Superbowl) and millions more for his many trips from DC to FL. Based on his record from first presidency, it works out to be about $4M per golf outing for fuel security, etc.. This is outrageous and unfair. Paying for these unnecessary activities with money taken from now jobless federal workers from Parks, NOAA, EPA, etc.. And this hipocrit chided Obama for one golf outing! Why pay our taxes if that is where the $ is going?!
And why is he recreating when he is supposed to be performing an very important FT job for all Americans?! How does he have the time? Perhaps his time would be better spent reading his briefings so he would learn useful information (e.g., where is Lesotho, how gravity works re: water supply, etc.) and stop embarrassing the USA on the world stage.

There are multiple sources of his expenditure data. See the links for examples sources. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/09/trump-golf-trips

https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-19-178 (2017 data)

Originally Posted By u/StrehCat At 2025-03-10 12:52:46 PM | Source

submitted 51 minutes ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

We need to talk about how the term terrorist sympathizer is being redefined to mean political enemy. This isn’t just theoretical—it’s a historical pattern used to silence opposition and justify repression.

The Red Scare (1950s): The U.S. government labeled political dissidents, union organizers, and civil rights activists as “communist sympathizers,” leading to blacklists, job losses, and even imprisonment.

The War on Terror (2000s-Present): Muslim Americans, anti-war activists, and whistleblowers were branded as threats, leading to mass surveillance, secret watchlists, and the erosion of due process.

Today: We are seeing an expansion of these tactics, with protesters, journalists, and political activists being labeled as security threats. The goal? Criminalizing dissent and making opposition illegal.

When the government gains the power to decide who is a terrorist sympathizer, it’s only a matter of time before it’s used against anyone who challenges the status quo.

They want to strip away our right to free speech, our right to protest, and our right to disagree. We need to call this out now—before it’s too late.

We should start by not just calling for the release of Mahmoud Khalil but DEMANDING IT! IF WE ALLOW THIS, FREE SPEECH WILL HAVE DIED

Originally Posted By u/whatatrip444 At 2025-03-10 04:58:34 PM | Source


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Robert Reich breaks down how billionaires like Bezos, Musk, and Zuckerberg are tightening their grip on media and democracy—siding with Trump to protect their wealth and power. When they talk about “free markets” and “personal liberty,” they mean their freedom from accountability.

Read more at https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/feb/27/america-billionaires-bezos-zuckerberg-musk.

#50501movement #PeoplesMovement #FiftyFiftyOne #50501 #ImpeachTrump #NoKings #Oligarchy #Broligarchy

Originally Posted By u/FiftyFifty1Movement At 2025-03-10 04:55:44 PM | Source

submitted 51 minutes ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

Was talking to a disabled vet, she was scared like the rest of us and wondered allowed what happened to the guardrails in our system of government, and I realized: WE (the Great Unwashed, the millions of ordinary American citizens) ARE THE GUARDRAILS NOW. Nobody is going to intervene and save the United States except for us. We're it.

EDIT: I meant to add this link (fixed now). If anybody wants to help organize, DM me. You don't have to be in or near DC to volunteer.

Originally Posted By u/noname999999 At 2025-03-10 03:19:29 PM | Source


The GOP’s approach to politics often suggests they believe Americans won’t notice contradictions, hypocrisy, or outright deception. Here are some glaring examples:

1. Pretending to Care About the Deficit

  • When a Democrat is in office, they scream about the national debt and demand spending cuts.
  • When a Republican is in office, they pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy (2017 Trump tax cuts) and increase military spending, ballooning the deficit.
  • They assume people won’t notice that their “fiscal responsibility” is selective.

2. Fear-Mongering About Non-Issues

  • Convincing voters that gas stoves are being "banned" or that the government is coming for their hamburgers.
  • Promoting "woke" panic—like saying M&Ms are too liberal or that Bud Light is part of a leftist takeover.
  • They assume voters are too distracted by cultural nonsense to notice their lack of real policy solutions.

3. Attacking "Elites" While Serving Billionaires

  • They rail against "coastal elites" while taking money from the ultra-rich and passing policies that benefit corporations over working-class people.
  • They frame themselves as fighters for the "common man" while gutting social programs, opposing minimum wage increases, and crushing unions.

4. Rewriting History

  • Claiming they are the "Party of Lincoln" while enabling white nationalist rhetoric and attacking voting rights.
  • Insisting that January 6th was just "tourism" or "peaceful protesting" despite the violent attack on the Capitol.
  • Assuming people won’t compare their past statements with reality.

5. Touting "Freedom" While Passing Authoritarian Laws

  • Banning books and censoring classroom discussions about race and history.
  • Pushing for government control over women’s reproductive rights while claiming to be against "big government."
  • Trying to control who can marry whom while claiming to be for “individual liberty.”

6. Pretending Climate Change Isn’t Real

  • Saying climate change is a hoax while their own states suffer from wildfires, hurricanes, and extreme droughts.
  • Attacking green energy while Texas’ power grid fails under extreme weather.
  • Assuming people won’t connect the dots between extreme weather and policy choices.

7. Ignoring Their Own Voter Base’s Needs

  • Telling rural voters they care about them while cutting farm subsidies, healthcare, and infrastructure funding.
  • Keeping wages low while pretending tax cuts for billionaires will “trickle down.”
  • Assuming people won’t notice their policies hurt the very people who vote for them.

The pattern is clear: distraction, deception, and deflection. They rely on misinformation and emotional manipulation rather than real solutions, hoping people won’t look too closely.

Originally Posted By u/Hikeretired At 2025-03-10 12:31:22 PM | Source


This is the line that needs to be spoken to every representative, every police or security person. The reason they follow orders is because they believe that Trumps power will remain. As history has shown us, when heads of state only lead for the benefit of themselves and not their country, they ALWAYS PAY THE PENANCE. Call them all treasoners and terrorists, tell them that when the system fails ( AND IT WILL) There will be no sympathy for their behavior. THERE IS JUST A SMALL GROUP OF PEOPLE ACTIVE IN THE TAKE OVER. IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT HARD TO ARREST THEM FOR TERRORISM.GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS PEOPLE!!

Originally Posted By u/RubFuture322 At 2025-03-10 11:56:13 AM | Source

submitted 6 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

It is working. TSLA shares are plummeting again. TSLA to $25.

Boycott Tesla vehicles. Watch the those ugly Cyber's pile up at the dealerships!

Originally Posted By u/YouWorkForMoney-Com At 2025-03-10 10:38:48 AM | Source

Divided We Fall (i.redd.it)
submitted 6 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

The tweet in this image speaks to something bigger than just one group—it speaks to a system that thrives on dividing and exploiting all marginalized people.

We know that anti-Blackness is global, but so is discrimination against Indigenous people, immigrants, LGBTQ+ communities, disabled individuals, religious minorities, and so many others. The truth is, whenever bad policies are put in place, it’s always the most vulnerable who suffer first and the hardest.

And yet, instead of standing together, we are pitted against one another—told that our struggles are separate, that our fights aren’t the same, that someone else is our enemy when in reality, we all share the same oppressor.

While the rich and powerful continue to rig the system in their favor, they watch as we turn on each other instead of turning on them. They laugh as people celebrate the suffering of others, not realizing they’re next in line.

We can’t afford to be divided anymore. The only way forward is together. If we don’t fight for each other, we will all lose.

Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-10 09:38:17 AM | Source


It seems as though there is no unified movement right now on the left (besides a few powerful leaders), but instead a deafening lack of action. The time is NOW for leaders to start planning for the next election, not 2027 or 2028. Can we start calling congressional democrats to request that they start drafting a plan, especially one that ensures an administration like this can never occur in the USA again? Most of them sure don’t seem busy with standing up to what is happening right now, so the least they could do is help catalyze change within the Democratic Party. It is time to redefine, as conservative democracy is no match to the MAGA movement.

Originally Posted By u/Big-Hedgehog-1481 At 2025-03-09 10:28:17 PM | Source


Hi, Canadian here. I appreciate what you're doing so much. I know you're working against a lot of media bias, and it's an uphill battle to get coverage. I'm not sure the average Canadian is aware of your resistance, but it doesn't have to be that way.

CBC is our national public broadcaster (TV and radio). I think they would be very interested in your work. They have newsrooms in cities across Canada, so rather than mass emailing all of them, I suggest focusing on sending information about protests in border cities to the newsroom in the corresponding Canadian city (i.e., Detroit to Windsor, Bellingham to Vancouver, etc.) Let them know ahead of planned events, but also send them pictures and video of events during or right after. This is their contact page. I hope this helps. We are rooting for you!

Originally Posted By u/AccountantDramatic29 At 2025-03-10 10:28:09 AM | Source


I gave birth last February. My husband and I thought we were ready for our first child, but nope, we weren’t. Even in the hospital we knew we needed more stuff we hadn’t realized before and ordered from Amazon and set up an Amazon Prime account. As first time parents with very little community, we kind of relied on Amazon, Instacart, GrubHub, etc. as a 3rd parent/community.

That has all ended this year. We’re making more meals at home (canceled GrubHub and DoorDash), we’re taking our son out every weekend to the grocery store (canceled Instacart), and we made a list of places to go to get baby clothes, supplies, books, food, etc. (we canceled Amazon on 3/9/25).

I know a lot of people think they can’t NOT shop on Amazon because they live in a rural area or they need the help/discounted stuff like we did, but it’s easier to do than I originally thought. eBay and Etsy are still online stores. The weather is getting warmer and we plan to got the garage sales more this year.

As first time parents, we thought we needed everything; but that’s just capitalism at work and how Amazon stays in business. They make you believe you aren’t enough, you can’t do this on your own, you need them to survive and they have everything you “need” in order to be happy, fulfilled, the perfect parents, etc. Turns out that if you don’t believe their big lie, then they don’t really have any power over you or control your wallet. You’ll cancel your membership with ease and feel free because you know you are no longer imprisoned by the thought that Amazon is your only option.

Originally Posted By u/LudoMama At 2025-03-10 10:53:03 AM | Source


Serious question. Can we ask them to openly work with us?

I think it’s clear at this point, that they are the most aligned and outspoken people we have in politics, to work with us. To be the faces of opposition against the current administration.

They may not want that role. But it can’t hurt to ask, right? Some kind of petition of thousands of us, calling on them and asking them to help be our voice and help guide us along?

I know we have plenty of organizers helping out our movement, and keeping things running. But they have the connections that could be the difference from slow change vs. the big, sweeping, meaningful change that we desperately need.

Right now, they have political power, but they could have so much more influence with our massive, highly motivated grassroots movement behind them.

What do you think? Our movement is currently faceless. Can we ask them to be the faces of 50501?

Originally Posted By u/Charming_Function_58 At 2025-03-10 11:34:45 AM | Source

submitted 18 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

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Regular reminder that when the time comes, they will be the ones arresting everyone for being queer, trans, disabled, a scientist, for just speaking out, etc.

They’re not here to keep you safe, they exist to protect property and power.

Cops are not and will never be safe. They shouldn’t be welcomed or trusted. Ever. Even the gay ones. Even your cousin. Even a woman cop.

This is an image of a line of a few dozen Chicago police officers in riot gear standing outside of and protecting a Tesla dealership.

Originally Posted By u/Spectra627 At 2025-03-09 11:05:23 PM | Source


Eventually, the resistance needs a) a representative to communicate and negotiate with incumbent authority, and b) a short, realistic list of demands. Thoughts?

Originally Posted By u/Bree_Elle221 At 2025-03-10 08:33:55 AM | Source

message to the world (www.reddit.com)
submitted 6 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

I do apologize if I did not use the right tag. I used it because this is a message for the world to see.

What trump doesnt understand is right now america is trying to use the tools in our tool chest. Protesting, fighting in courts, submitting new legislation, etc... once the checks and balance is offically dead he personally would have taken all our gloves off. We dont want to do the extreme because americans know what that would entail. We know what we are capable of. We dont want that. We would love to reclaim democracy with peace because it would give us a leg up. "See? We dont need to go nuts. Our system is amaze balls. Bada bada."

Once our checks and balance is officially dead and the rule of law has no merit... well, americans are all floridaman

We know how crazy we are. We know how proud we are. We know that we will be creative enough to find a way to throw gators at our enemy just to say we can. Trump would lose over 70% of his military support because our men, women, and other genders defecting and joining the resistance. Our Vets would also step up and start leading lines of resistance.

In a weird way, many Americans have prepared for this moment for a long time. That is why you see us resisting violence as hard as we are. That is why you see us utilizing every and all outlets in our democracy. That is why we are not viva la France. We are not ton petite chou.

Right now, do not trust the US. Don't let up on us. Keep us isolated and let us do this internal battle. This is a major chapter in our history.

Keep in mind, the longer all of this goes on the more the people who voted for him will get hurt and you will begin to see a shift. We are not dumb but we are slow.

I say this as the grand daughter of a women who grew up in France in WWII. My great uncle went to Dachau. He was in the French resistance, got caught up shagging the mayor's (nazi sympathizer) daughter, got turned in, and survived. My mae mae was saved from a fire fight between the Brits and the nazis when she was going to get water. She threw herself in a hole and somehow molded her body in the copper pot she was carrying. The bullet dents in the kettle are her proof.

I am not the only American with stories like that. They have been passed down in the generations. We did not forget who are brothers and sisters are. We know. We won't forget.

We will also fight and die with you still.

Again, my best advise is isolate us just like trump wants. Give that to him. Let us battle disinformation and brainwashing. Cut us off like a bad sibling who has a drug habit we just can't kick and we keep asking you for money and a couch to crash on. Kick us out. Make us earn your respect again.

I know this post is not necessarily a world news tag, but this message is for the world.

We remember our oath to the constitution. To our brothers and sisters.

To end this I will leave the world with famous quotes from one of our great civil rights leaders, Malcom X

"Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression, because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromising action."


"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery"

Thank you for listening

Originally Posted By u/chicknsoup4yoursoul At 2025-03-10 09:28:37 AM | Source


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Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-09 05:41:39 PM | Source


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Pics aren't great and don't show off the size of the growd well (I'm short, sorry lol) but his staffer told him over 9k came out, so many they had to move a bunch to other rooms where his speech was televised.

Originally Posted By u/anonymous_ape88 At 2025-03-08 06:36:50 PM | Source


Dear former Presidents of the United States of America,

President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama and President Biden, the American people need your help. Our government, the will of the people, is under attack. We are being infiltrated from within by billionaire oligarchs who hold their own interests above all. We are bending to foreign powers that we, until recently, considered evil. Our friends across the world are watching in horror as the United States turns its back on an ally in the midst of a brutal war for democracy. The government programs you championed are being dismantled with reckless abandon. The country and the world are lesser for it. Our rights to liberty and free speech are being dissolved.

Each of you has held the highest, most sacred office in our land. You were each a beacon of leadership to the world. You tirelessly dedicated yourselves to our country and through your sacrifices and dedication, America was strong and free and prosperous.

We call on you once again, Mr. Presidents, to stand for freedom and democracy. Americans must unite as one people with one voice to say that enough is enough. We cannot be complacent while the Trump administration and Elon Musk destroy generations of American progress and goodwill. 

Please, join together as one voice and denounce the actions of the federal government. Remind us of our American values and resolve. Publicly make a statement that Americans deserve better and the world deserves better from the United States of America. Remind your former constituents of what is important and what is at stake. Encourage us to take peaceful, meaningful action as our republic allows and demands of us. With your endorsement, the American people would be empowered and unified like we have not been in many years.

You worked tirelessly for the American people when you held our highest office. Please, Mr. Presidents, the American people need you one more time. 



We the People of the United States of America

Shameless plug: https://www.change.org/HelpUsMrPresidents

Originally Posted By u/Independent_Skirt301 At 2025-03-09 05:50:34 PM | Source

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