They could assassinate you on foreign soil, and they have (Khashoggi comes to mind, any others I should be aware of?)
But how common is it unless you're a major regime critic?
They could assassinate you on foreign soil, and they have (Khashoggi comes to mind, any others I should be aware of?)
But how common is it unless you're a major regime critic?
I bet it would take me 15 minutes to teach you to put 80% of shots on a dinner plate target at 100m with my 50 year old hunting rifle I got for free of an old man who moved to the city.
Classical bows require strength to use. They have no sights either so you have to go by feel. Modern compound bows are easier to shoot but the arrow still drops much more than a bullet, so shooting at longer ranges is harder.
Smaller caliber guns can be suppressed to be fairly quiet. A bow will be quieter but not by an order of magnitude.
The advantage of a bow is that it's easier to find somewhere to practice because even the most reckless shot the arrow does not travel as far before it drops to the ground. You can also reuse your arrows.
It's probably better to buy it along the way.
Yes inflation will make honey more expensive over the coming 50 years or so. But it will make everything else more expensive too.
I'll keep my money on a savings account instead.
What kind of government? Am I born into a group that benefits from whatever the government is doing?
There is always a group of people that benefits from a government. Authoritarian governments that tends to be much less than the 50% required to win an election.
I am much more likely to support a government that does not see me as a questionable element and potentially an enemy of the state.
You're not allowed to ask that question. You have been fined $120. Please deposit this amount in bitcoin here:....
Yes, have you never changed?
Cats yes, you can get the "farmer" cats that are happy little accidents of no particular breed. They are not in the stores though. Neither are the purebred cats, which are similar to dog breeders.
Dogs are bought directly from breeders (who almost universally has it a a side hobby) and while not illegal to breed on known hereditary diseases any responsible breeder have various veterinarian's certificates for (lack of) hereditary issues for the breed and puppies are checked by a vet before delivery.
I may at have at some point. But rules and regulations have probably changed over the years.
Can I appear anywhere? Pop into white house or Kremlin during the Cuban missile crisis and say: I'm from the future, you must attack, or... Then travel back to the future without finishing the sentence.
I'm not sure if it would. Travel was awfully slow back then.
They don't need them.
Stop selling spare parts and they will soon be useless.
They are incredibly maintenance intense even in peace time. In wartime even more so because even minor combat damage adds up.
Iran bought 79 F-14 in 1974. Revolution and arms embargo 1979. In 1984 they had 15 airworthy planes kept in shape by taking parts from other F-14s.
They have since got some spare parts from hostage deals and the black market. Probably reverse engineering too so they have about 40 of them flyable. But the 5 first year has 80% of the fleet grounded should say something about it.