Being a ghost would be amazing, imagine being able to exist anywhere, for free. Imagine getting to stalk world leaders and unravel all of the secrets.
I make a lot of scrap soup. Any random ingredients, like cans of veggies, food scraps I've been saving for stock, any other ingredients in the fridge about to go back, and any ingredients I want to get rid off, I throw in the scrap soup.
I usually like to make a cheese base, since it goes well with damn near everything. Cheese base doesn't freeze well though.
Veggie Mac and cheese is good, lasagna is good and freezes well, I also cook a lot of noodles and stir fry's.
You can your own frozen junkfood like frozen pizzas to toss in then oven when you feel like it, and stuff like that. You dont even have to complete it, just assemble it, and when your hungry take it out of the freezer and chuck it into the oven, like lasagna, and casseroles.
Instant pot is great for fast meals too. Its also incredible for stock. If you want to upgrade your knife skills you can buy bone-in cuts or whole birds to use all of the bones and scraps for stock. Basically all food waste goes through the stock pot first before being tossed
How could you possibly apologize for charging $12 A MONTH for wallpapers!?
Get a bunch of groceries delivered and cook a bunch of food. Freeze a lot of it for later to save yourself time cooking
Oh yeah? Well heck you and your dumb frickin position you stupy dumb dumby dumb idiot small smooth brain moron. I'm right youre wrong !!!1!1!1!1!1!2!