This is great advice for anyone tbh.
What do you even mean by this?
Have you tried talking to him about your feelings?
I see what you’re getting at, but there are a few issues with your argument. The biggest problem is that it overgeneralizes MAGA supporters in a way that actually undermines the point it’s trying to make. Yeah, MAGA as a movement backs Trump and his policies, and many of those policies have been harmful to trans people. But saying every single MAGA supporter is inherently harmful to trans people just by association is a bit of a leap. Not all MAGA supporters are equally informed, engaged, or even fully on board with every single thing Trump does. Some people support him for economic reasons, immigration policy, or just because they feel alienated by mainstream politics (most of what I’ve seen from those I’ve met who “support MAGA”)..not necessarily because they have an issue with trans people. Acting like its a monolith where everyone in it is equally responsible for every policy oversimplifies things.
Also, the categorically factual claim doesn't really hold up. There’s a difference between supporting Trumps policies and actively harming trans people. Yes, Trumps policies have been harmful, but does every MAGA supporter personally advocate for those policies? Do they all even know the specifics of them? Probably not. You could argue that passively supporting a movement that enacts harmful policies still contributes to harm, but that’s not the same as saying every individual supporter is personally out to get trans people.
At the end of the day, I get the frustration with MAGA as a movement. It pushes policies that hurt marginalized groups, and it’s going to wreck havoc on our standard of living. But treating every individual MAGA supporter as personally responsible for all of those policies flattens the complexity of why people support Trump in the first place. It’s totally fair to call out the movement, but it’s a stretch to claim that every person in it is harmful in the exact same way.
If we want to quash this movement , we need to really think about why people support it and identify root cause so we can quell it from the root instead of just attacking the surface. And a major component is going to be speaking with people’s elephants instead of their riders. We have to be the bigger people here and try to empathize even when it seems impossible. Attacking them just isn’t going to work. That’s just human nature for ya.
Anyway, thanks for commenting and taking the time to explain yourself. I hope this at least explains my position a bit better.
I’m sure if you polled the average American they would not agree that “America is better than the rest of the world “. Maybe 20-30 years ago that might have been true.
Yeah idk why you’re getting downvoted. A major part of the problem in my opinion is bucketing people and making huge generalizations based off the culture wars that the bourgeoisie has created to get us bickering amongst ourselves.
She was the one who chose the stock photo
Sometimes I read certain comments that get me thinking. Are you really this dense? Or are you trying to get a rise out of people?
OBVIOUSLY they didn’t file for litigation themselves my lord
Lol yeah I ain’t reading this.
I sincerely hope that whatever stick got lodged up your ass comes out soon 👌. Best of luck!
Yikes. Relax, brother. I have no angle. I simply inquired into your assessment of our situation.
The reason I ask is because I see quite a number of people saying that it’s “everyone else’s fault for being immoral and stupid”, and I believe we should be looking more inward, or at least assigning fault to the ones who are responsible (the “powers that be if you will) instead of pointing the finger at our fellow brothers and sisters.
But, this is just my opinion. And you are entitled to yours. If you want to discuss further, there is no need for the ad hominem attacks 🙂.
And what makes you so much smarter and better than everyone else exactly?