Often, that money is used to fund the historical site to which the fountain belongs, they are basically donations.
The way to do this is plausible deniability. There is software that allows creating an encrypted volume with two passwords, resulting in two different decrypted volumes. So you give the duress password and there is no incriminating data on there.
For example grapheneOS also has a duress pin that wipes the device.
Don't trust the corpos but Apple has a history of resisting stuff like this.
It's really funny to me how so many people are going surprised pikachu over China tech not being crap.
They started with basic manufacturing until no one could beat them, stole everything they could to close the tech gap. But behind that, invested massively into education to the point that they are producing more engineers than the rest of the world combined. They may not be super creative but they are competent enough. Also if one in a million is a genius the "West" has 800 but China has 1500. So yes, of course now their domestic designs will catch up or surpass western ones.
Basically China spent the last 50 years systematically going through the techtree and minmaxing their spies, while the west just kind of aimlessly clicked around.
No, because if you know its not encrypted you behave differently than when you think it is.
Well he also lost his finger in a metal press. Also had to tune the guitar down hence the signature Ozzy sound.
Get yourself a carbon monoxide detector, that stuff is deadly and should be ruled out first.
Exactly the opposite for me, using official container images is a major time save.
Jo, 4xx is a client error, if it was a server error should be 5xx.
I always wondered about the security aspect of gaming and mods. It feels understudied.
I think many people underestimate how much money it costs to run and maintain stuff. Especially webapps.