
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

OMFG they threw bee boxes into their bunker?! LOL

If you gave yourself a reach-around, would that just be masturbating?

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (1 children)

what if you are 50 / 50 and you meet yourself and youre both like "hey dude, whats happening?"

this would make a good sitcom, something in the style of Reno911

get the carpet removed and put in vinyl click in flooring or you could get some hard flooring that could float over the carpet

use sulfur soap for a few weeks, it will make your skin very undesirable for pests

make some sticky paper and cover the area around the bed frame and make sure that none of your bedding touches the ground or the walls , it's my understanding they only crawl so you can trap them with the sticky paper

for the most part, it's my understanding they live in the carpet and floors. they find you at night so keeping them from getting to you is your only hope

[–] 23 points 1 day ago (1 children)

the enshitification happens at a smaller location level.

look at some of the shunned/pariah instances. lots of people just end up blocking it or joining the instance to participate... what ever

imo it will continue to be a rollercoaster of ups and downs that only a core group of users will notice but there's going to be drama

because drama is how humans behave

invest in a tape backup, tape formats like LTO will last LTO tapes are cheap and durable. Write time can be slow but reading is quick enough for what it is

sure an EMP might corrupt it but if you are that paranoid, you could use a safe for shielding

when I recognize someone is in a bad mood or something and they are about to serve me, I anticipate their angst.

trying to have my request ready before they have to ask, force them off script in a way that will let them vent.

like say your in a line or queue for something and it exposed the person you're about to deal with is that headspace... become their ally.

did that guy before you not XYZ?

They are overwhelmed?

i see you got your hands full, please do what you need to do first, I can wait

if you're in the no win situation, just accept it and let them have their win as long as you get whatever you came to them for

it doesn't have to be personal

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (4 children)

If you’re hot and dress nice would it make it less likely for you to be the target of those pieces of shit?

i think it has more to do with your body language and how you are directing your attention during the interaction.

here in the PNW (Pacific North West) of North America, we have lots of different kinds of salmon but wood fired salmon on a cedar plank (like a roofing shingle) is food fit for the gods

the natives have done it for ions and it is something you have to try if you like that fire salmon

also natives make salmon candy, which is dried salmon belly, dude its the best jerky ever made

if you block an instance, it doesn't block the users or their posts on other instances

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

going to college to learn technology in the 1990s would have been useless for acquiring the skills that I have developed and honed in my 25+ years in tech

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