
joined 2 years ago
[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 0 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

I agree he wasn't acting in good faith, but I'm more concerned with any would-be censorship than a silly troll. The moderator actually reached out to me and explained the scenario, and pointed out that they actually left one of their duplicate posts up.

I'm pretty happy with how the particular situation has gone down, but I do still stand by my initial comments and my principles on censorship.

Mods handled it appropriately and sealion is an idiot, misrepresenting the scenario. but that was a given.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Thanks for taking the time to break it down.

I agree that he isn't acting in good faith, but silencing the discussion is (would be) the bigger issue to me than some silly troll.

I really appreciate your response and reasoning. I don't have an issue with logistical moderation (e.g. duplicate threads) but I'm extremely adverse to moderation of actual topics for what should be obvious reasons.

Given that you left the other thread up, I think I can put away the pitchfork for now. I'll have a look at your rules, and hopefully find myself satisfied and participating in your community.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 5 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

You're going to lose what appears to be your only defender if you maintain that bullshit rhetoric.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (3 children)

Don't care. I don't care about your sealioning either.

It is my view that some things should be dealt with through downvotes and discussion, not moderation. Especially when we are talking about authoritarianism of all fucking things.

Moderation in my view is an extreme measure that shouldn't be enacted lightly. And I only want to participate in communities that share that view.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 0 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (25 children)

Yes. I disagree with their rules and their enforcement of them, and this exposed that. So I wont participate in it.

What else would you have me do in that scenario?

It's not like I pour over each community's rules before reading any content that surfaces from them.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world -1 points 3 hours ago (27 children)

Yep, that's part of my point.

I've already blocked the community over this. Know any alternatives?

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 5 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

I assumed it was just a bird flu outbreak, and prices would naturally settle back down with the next generation of hens. And of course he would take credit. But uhh CDC got their hands tied, so I guess we don't even get to know what's going on.

Surely someone has actually reported on the issue in detail and I've just missed it in these chaotic news cycles, right?

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world -2 points 3 hours ago (29 children)

We used to say the same thing about the internet as a whole, and then the big tech companies crowded out all the smaller options, started controlling narratives and we ended up where we are at now.

I don't want to see the same thing happen with Lemmy instances. We are on the ground floor.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 0 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Just wanted to say thanks for posting a legitimate answer. This is how we can fight authoritarianism. Through information and education. Not by strong-arm removing posts.

It doesn't even matter to me if he is trolling everywhere. We are presented an opportunity to battle this with knowledge and it appears that the moderation ~~here has succumbed to the very thing they're claiming to prevent.~~

Editing my post to say mods are based. Thanks for leaving this discussion up.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world -4 points 4 hours ago (33 children)

It starts with us.

I came here to get away from censorship, not join it. We need places for open discussion but I'm starting to see that this isn't it either.

This was an opportunity to actually have a discussion about the topic and reinforce virtues of freedom, but it is doing the opposite and illustrating the descent to authoritarianism.

[–] tehmics@lemmy.world 4 points 5 hours ago

Yep, I have my PiHole running on a Pi2 still.

You're underestimating these websites though. I already run into sites that arbitrarily throw up a "Firefox not supported" gate until I switch user agents. That will only get worse.

I'm still very concerned about Firefox's funding majority coming from Google search, especially after the antitrust shutting it down. https://slashdot.org/story/431592

We're headed for dark times for the open internet.

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