god I hate how neoliberals write stuff like this. The entire press release says nothing functional, except "the cbc is important" and then some easily fluffed assertions about what their plan 'would do'. It's really clearly written to avoid anything too committal.
the tags are just them trying to sell product, nothing more and nothing less. I treat them like I do highlighted sale flags: sometimes I will take a look and see if it's worth noting, but when the product has dropped from 13.99 to 13.89 I'm not exactly gonna dance a jig just because they printed a yellow flag saying "on sale". Same thing: just because they plastered a maple leaf on it doesn't mean it goes straight in the basket.
If I catch my store labelling american stuff as canadian though, I'll probably be doing some creative sticker removals at least.
Very little
I think that depends quite a bit on what you listen to.
This raises kids with cool music tastes. My 14yo might be a bigger fan of 2000s indie rock than I am, and I was, y'know, both a fan of and the target demographic of that music when it was being made.
Yup. You're always "one of the good ones" to them, so they don't show you their true colours.
afaik yes, and that's exactly the problem I'm referring to.
*gestures to the past 20+ years of me and many like me saying we need to refine this shit locally*
the trouble is that if it's a siege, it goes both ways, and I don't think in our current state we're in a position to win it. That may change as we settle in, Canadians are a stubborn and hardy people.
All kinds of ways, but I think a good few recipes to check out are:
- cuban style frijoles with the black beans
- red lentil hummus
- dal makhni for kidney beans (needs a lot more special ingredients than the other two though) Green lentils aren't one of my favourites most of hte time but they do go well with rice
I can find a recipe similar to mine for any of these if you like
I think they should secede and form their own union and then we can ally with them at least as close as we allied with the US. I don't wanna let them in until they've dealt with the baggage that'll come with that breakup, like the gun obsessed rednecks.
it's cute but no, he's fucked up enough that he might accept and I have absolutely no interest in being part of their union under any circumstances.
These days, we tend to sit down on Sunday evening and plan out our meals for the week, then go shopping on Monday. We go to the farmer's market Saturday and plan our meals around what vegetables we could buy locally.
I don't consider very many things essential. Maybe dry beans, rice (sub millet, quinoa, or other cookable grain as needed), lentils, flour, and salt? Without those I'd have troubles surviving, with an adequate supply of those I could live for months, it'd take a while to even get sick of all the things you can make with it. I'm willing to cut pretty much anything I need to out of my diet if it's not available and honestly I think the obsession with having all foods available at all seasons is weird.
I kinda root for them in the war of independence