Seems a lot of us are making this tough decisions recently. Truly no one can tell you what is best but I think if you feel you can still be a good influence on them then you should try. If not then don't risk them being a bad influence on you.
My partner is chronically ill and disabled. I am not, we have been together for 5 years. Don't get me wrong it can absolutely be difficult and it was at first but its routine now and I'm genuinely unbothered. Being inconvenienced sometimes is nothing if it means spending my life with them. I am also in my twenties
God i love ken cheng
Yes, he will only get more anti-China with time I imagine. The ideological opponent to fascism is always communism. On a more material basis China is stepping on United States profits. The main target will be the prevention of BRICS membership in Latin America imo
I don't genuinely think anyone here can honestly answer that question. Geopolitical futures are very uncertain right now
You probably need sleep. IDK about fictional characters but when my insomnia is really bad I sometimes do not feel alone in my room when I know that I am. This may be something similar.
Definitely research schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder as well though
Rugged individualism and American exceptionalism are the likely culprits
IQ is a stupid pattern recognition measurement made by a eugenicist and has been used to justify racism ever since. Don't take it too seriously, it does not measure intelligence.
Here is a video
I don't know. I wish I was angrier
No way he is muslim. Tf?
IQ is a stupid pattern recognition measurement made by a eugenicist and has been used to justify racism ever since. Don't take it too seriously, it does not measure intelligence.
Here is a video