I personally aerosolize psychedelic drugs over Washington D.C. This melts the rotting meat suits off the mantids and lizards.
Target is red flavor walmart.
Duuude. Discord is a dumpster fire right now. I'm interested to see how much hotter that fire can get.
lunch pause
car brakes automatically if I'm distracted
These two lines paint a very sad picture.
Yeah but my madlibs generator might get confused without a /s
At least 'AI' has thick skin?
You guys I'm serious 99.999)99)999999998% uptime!
Please sign this new TOS/EULA.
It's funny a fake video is connected to self defense theater.
Ew that whole site feels off. There are a few other pretty immediately obvious fake robot videos under the 'innovation' section.
They should try migrating to the cloud.
Well you know what they say...what doesn't kill you makes you have fewer cells that produce antibodies.
Just a few more hours bro.
That's fine I'll just use Lync.
Call the police and make a noise complaint every single morning. Let the owners know you're doing the same. Give the police the owners contact info.