"you determine your own pay" is also a common MLM/pyramid scheme flag.
There's things to be concerned about still, but it's mostly about the ease of consuming a shit ton of calories with oils. Using real butter or eating fattier meat isn't really a problem.
99% of mold gives humans something between mild discomfort and death. The remaining 1% tastes good with butter.
Alternatively it's just switching adulterers.
It depends on the state. If they don't have a universal background check law, you can find someone willing to sell you a gun. It won't be someone at a table though. You can find someone willing to sell a "gun," I put in quotes because scammers are commonly selling guns that don't work well or fake collector items.
Priesthood was a religious answer for gay men historically, before more modern sects that are openly accepting. The modern non-denominational Christian churches are just cancer.
Fun fact, that scene was the first audible fart joke in film, so it being censored originally makes a little sense.
The easy way to add calories and protein is dairy products. Start your day with coffee and heavy cream instead of milk or half and half. Add cheese or butter to meals you already enjoy.
When a buddy of mine was general labor at a warehouse, his lunch was occasionally a sleeve of Oreos and ice cream. You can be as "irresponsible" as you want for a while.
Fat has been way over demonized in modern times, it's nowhere near as bad as people think it is. There are some unhealthy trans fats, but those have been banned pretty much everywhere.
This should only be surprising to people who don't know the stats. It's almost 20% of graduates are functionally illiterate. There's almost no schools where the bottom 5% of students are are close to competent in any subject.
It depends on a lot of things.
- have you spent an entire day or even better a weekend together?
- are you ok with the loss of independence, alone time can be much more difficult after moving in.
- do you have room for their stuff?
- are you ok with rearranging your place, and potentially losing certain decorations or room functions?
- are you comfortable talking about how finances will be managed?
- do you have compatible diets and eating habits?
Go back to the stone age and drop modern steel tools and weapons where a tribe could find them. That tribe would likely become dominant and perhaps change everything.