
joined 2 years ago
[–] quokka1@mastodon.au 2 points 2 days ago

@SLVRDRGN @TokenEffort I feel the same when handed an iThing these days. I don't think it helps that the ones I'm handed have had everything on them moved around and whatnot by children.

[–] quokka1@mastodon.au 1 points 2 days ago

@IrateAnteater @yesman if they do the "show secret" or whatever the option is called when your 2FA setup shows a QR code then you can copy that plain-text and save it somewhere (safe!) to just plumb it in to whatever authenticator app you decide to use elsewhere.
If you use something like BitWarden then it can generate those 2FA codes for you and sync between whichever devices you use.

[–] quokka1@mastodon.au 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

@Confused_Emus @rtxn Figuring out DNS is always fun.
And never ever ever make any, even small, DNS change on a Friday. Unless you don't like weekends.
Is it time to break out the DNS haiku and pray to the name gods?

![It's the DNS haiku. Not my work. Is very widely circulated on the internet and I've no idea who to attribute the original to. Anyway, it's a watercolour(?) painting of a branch with pink blossom flowers. Show in the top left corner is the following calligraphic text:

It's not DNS There's no way it's DNS It was DNS

It appears to be isned "SSBroski"

Anyway, as someone who's had days taken off their life by broken DNS I like this image.](https://o.mastodon.au/media_attachments/files/114/107/965/106/956/466/original/d05aeed43a3c9b71.webp)

[–] quokka1@mastodon.au 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

@stetech @Xraygoggles there was a good article i read a couple of weeks ago about a guy who fired up a factory reset iPhone, opted out of all the crap but logged all connections it made (on his router). remind me tomorrow and i'll try and dig it out. i reckon you'd like it