To be fair; not yet.
As much as I agree that Winnie pooh is evil, and that we should never want to rely on any Chinese infrastructure or product,the US is currently speed running off a cliff towards something possibly worse than China.
To be fair; not yet.
As much as I agree that Winnie pooh is evil, and that we should never want to rely on any Chinese infrastructure or product,the US is currently speed running off a cliff towards something possibly worse than China.
As much as I love the brand, this was just obviously going to happen. It always happens, it's the eventual outcome. All that is needed is one middle manager wanting to get an extra bones to come up with some short sighted idea that will make a little extra money in the short run and possibly bankrupt the company in the long term.
See Boeing, see Intel, see....
The only way to not have this happen is to get open source hardware. The open source eco system is amazing already but we need more focus on that, hardware. CPU's, Computers, printers, phones, everything
You're kidding, right? With your username being what it is, one might be tempted to think that you would know better than that...
Actually, no. Tesla always had huge QA issues. Panels not fitting on the cyber truck really isn't the first time that stuff just doesn't quite fit on teslas
Even when these tarrifs are gone, Canada, Europe and Mexico should continue to move away from the US economy as the US has shown time and again that it's current political system is so horrendously corrupt that it can't be trusted as a partner.
Do NOT buy US built weapons anymore either as there is an actual non zero chance you'll have to use these weapons against the US. Especially the more advanced weapons like the F35, which is already a shit bucket on its own, pose a huge risk as you can rest assured knowing that the US has a kill switch for these when needed.
Until the US completely rebuilds it political system from the ground up, new constitution and all, it should be ignored and left out of the sandbox where the rest of the world is pkaying
That link doesn't seem to work, can you post it as a normal link? Would love to read it
Admitting you were wrong would help getting you in the right direction, it would make you a bigger person.
That probably is too much to ask, though
It's not all Americans, but there is a certain type that when you see them, you know it.
I'm talking the type in baggy cargo shorts who 20 seconds after meeting them brags about having great weed and how many women they've fucked.
I had one of those come work with us in Mexico some 6 years back. We had an integrated karate dojo where all employees could train and at the first (and last) training he joined he immediately grabbed two women by their breasts because USA! USA! USA!
Since I ran that dojo he was banned right there and then, but the company owner did not wanted to fire him because he saw absolutely no problem with that behavior. Owner was Russian so take from that what you will about certain types of Russians
The great part of open source is forking.
And forking it will, Firefox will be forked with a version of a different name that doesn't have this shit, and then the name Firefox will fade into history as a once great product that formed the basis of a different grey product.
Fork you, Mozilla
Uh huh, that is called a typo with auto correct on top of it
If you mean that Texas will survive, it will, of course. Just like earth will quite easily survive climate change. Most of us won't, but to the earth that it but a scratch.
In the same way, Texas will be fine. Loads of Texans, though, will not.
And as viruses bacteria and fungi couldn't give two shits about your cute borders, the joy and happiness of measles will spread tomother states, them countries.
At least in other countries, most people still are vaccinated.
I have a hatred for unvaccinated idiots (with the exception of peopem that have REAL reasons not to vaccinate, immune issues, etc, NOT religion), as far as I'm concerned they should all be shipped off to some remote island, be quarantined, and a hundred years from now we'll come back to clear the bones.
Reddit really likes it's exit waves