
joined 7 months ago
[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

Pretty sure there are some modern ones floating around after someone else took up the strip, but yes, many of them are from way back.

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

local administrator privileges

... are used by distro update mechanisms and very few people turn those off, even if they don't use elevated privileges for anything else.

Admittedly, it's unlikely that a distro's repository will end up with a compromised microcode package, but it's not impossible (Remember the 7zip debacle?). And if it happens, you can be sure that whoever designs the payload will use the temporary access to install something ugly that has more permanent access.

But as you say, AMD have issued a fix. And that'd be why.

[–] 15 points 6 hours ago

Naturally. Advantage, privilege and money should only be in the hands of those who run large companies or better.

If that made you angry, bear in mind that's what most top level company executives think. Well, actually they don't think it, they know it unconsciously as the true order of the universe they inhabit and they get really uncomfortable should it even look vaguely like someone might be trying a competing philosophy to their own.

To be fair though, most people get really uncomfortable when something might undermine even part of the philosophy they live by.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

Wow, you really worked for Elon?

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

There's a whole bunch on YouTube.

bprp (= black pen, red pen. He has multiple channels of varying difficulty), Prime Newtons, Sybermath / a+bi, Andy Math and Michael Penn to name five. One or more of their respective styles or their level might not be right for you, but watch a few anyway and you might get recommendations for other channels that you like better.

If you like popular or recreational mathematics, Numberphile is a long-running channel with hundreds of videos, and relative newcomer Wrath of Math is doing numbers (in more than one sense) at the moment.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

Without anyone around who would be sad if I ceased to exist, quite a lot of me would leave pretty quickly, if you catch my drift.

But then, there's also that all but one of me would be in my house, with my things. I'm a nigh-agoraphobic hoarder. Several billion of me would be a long, long way from home and my (our?) stuff, and several thousand would start heading to my house as fast as humanly possible.

There'd be a lot of road accidents. I don't drive.

Infrastructure would crumble immediately.

Anyone who didn't "leave" would starve in a few days.

This is not a good plan. Do not use.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Back in the day in the kids' comics I remember at least one occasion where the spade card suit was used for that purpose. (Britain, 1980s/1990s)

A character's speech bubble contained "I h♠te homework" or something similar. Might have been spinach instead of homework. Or school. Anything an irreverent protagonist might not like.

The artist was clearly using this as a counterpart to the more often seen "lo♥e", but as an adult thinking about it now, I have to wonder if the artist had forgotten about the potential racial connotation of using it, or if they hadn't but didn't think it was particularly important.

Either way, ♠ could be used as a symbol of hate if the context permits it. Maybe best avoided if you're looking for a generic one though.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Some kid in a shiny car and a hazmat suit turns up out of nowhere five seconds later and starts shouting and cursing into a bulky radio about having missed it to someone called "Doc".

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ironically: toilet paper.

It looks suspicious a.f., I grant you, but even when I had a desk job in an office, I'd have a toilet roll in easy reach on my desk for use on spillages - drink spillages - and for wiping my fingers and face if I was eating and needed to use the computer or to answer the phone. Also for blowing my nose, but I'd try to leave the room with enough in hand to do that so I wasn't subjecting people to that unmistakeable noise.

I buy the cheapest TP the supermarket sells. It's generally cheaper than most other paper products and works just as well.

Not terrible for it's original purpose either, but I prefer something slightly better quality for that.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

The title of a comic where the punchline should be. Hm. If I had an irony meter it would explode with confusion.

[–] -4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

PEMDAS/BODMAS/[your local variant here] is an important part of the grammar of a language that is surprisingly common and it may be useful to be able to communicate using it some day.

This applies to more orthodox languages as well. You can often get by just fine and live your entire life without knowing any of the minority languages in your country, but there may be occasions where it would be really useful to be able to communicate with someone in one of them.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Always have a Bacchup.

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