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[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Dear headline writers:

Unless "Slammed" is followed by "into the announcer's table," use a different word.

Thank you.

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 3 points 2 days ago

I was going to say Mars, just to get there before fElon, but Alpha Centauri sounds nice!

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 8 points 2 days ago

After finishing the series, I am upset and I want more!

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 3 points 3 days ago

Whose parents do I have to kill to get one of these billionaires to become Batman?

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 1 points 5 days ago

You want a tiny mammoth, I want an aquarium sized whale... Where's the line? How long until there's a game show of duck sized horses or horse sized duck?

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 10 points 5 days ago

The world would become pretty gay, since there wouldn't be another option.

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 35 points 5 days ago

Go Team Cobra Chicken!

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 12 points 6 days ago (2 children)

It also felt satisfying to cost Tesla like $10 in electricity and wear and tear.

Should we all sign up to test drive Teslas with zero intentions to buy, just to cost them time & money?

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 1 points 6 days ago

Steam Deck emulation takes care of that itch for me.

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 23 points 6 days ago

Haven't we already confirmed Trump's in the flight logs with his daughter?

[–] ouRKaoS@lemmy.today 3 points 1 week ago

Couple things about the virtual boy:

  • It was pixelated, it was nowhere near the power of the home consoles. It sits between the Game Boy color & Game Boy advance.

  • It had an LED display in the mid 90's, hence the monochrome. Making it full color would have been cost prohibitive, as they would have had to add in 4 more displays (two for each eye), and triple the storage for games as everything would have to be rendered 3 times.

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