k-9 mail is good
joined 3 months ago
Try big red nose, they have soft spot for clowns!
Not really? I would love to play complex game like df or cataclysm with good 3d graphics.
Np feel free to ask again, I'm in permissive mood today.
Just use whatever you want if this is a problem for you.
You need to buy new ones oncd in a while, if this is your everyday concern maybe just use cleenex?
Comes with actually speaking the language, and they are similar to some other slavic languages, e.g. polish.
You just wash them as you wash clothes, what kind of issues are there?
I think they became confused in threads with more people and were unable to track conversations.
I've seen one or two that run for a short time, but they became slow and incoherent fast.
That's cool, never heard about free dorms before.