
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

i was asked about recently. They're trying to attract attention through solidarity, kind of like Ecosia.

They claim "nous ne conservons et ne revendons aucune donnée personnelle" but Clarity is there under the hood and when you read further (more click/touch is necessary to see this)

le navigateur que vous utilisez (le User Agent) ; vos préférences de session (afficher les résultats en français par exemple) ; votre adresse IP ; La zone géographique approximative à l’origine de la recherche (déduite de l’adresse IP) ; et éventuellement des données sur votre comportement de navigation, comme le temps écoulé entre 2 clics par exemple (toujours dans l’objectif de vérifier que l’utilisateur n’est pas un robot qui clique à la vitesse de la lumière 😉) Afin de vous fournir des résultats pertinents et de générer du revenu que nous pourrons transformer en argent pour financer les gouttes d’eau, nous avons un partenariat avec Microsoft Bing (qui respecte le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données) pour la fourniture des résultats de recherche et des publicités. C’est pourquoi Lilo peut être amené à transmettre ces mêmes données à ce partenaire. Dans ce cas, conformément à sa politique de confidentialité, ce partenaire peut être amené à conserver ces données sur une période maximum de 18 mois.

Same as qwant: We respect your privacy, but we're giving all this information to Microsoft

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

guardian's site works fine with disabled JavaScript and all 3rd-party blocked

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

says the bush behind them

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (3 children)

we'll see in 4 years. Their next election, if they have one, will be the test.

All of donald's executive orders can be undone in a day. Wonder why he doesn't try to make real change using Republican majorities 🤷

probably because he doesn't care about the U.S., he is there to make money and he got his "get out of jail" card

[–] 0 points 6 days ago

i would call a hallucination, seeing what's not "there". Copying jokes from reddit is not hallucinating.

good or bad, inventing new jokes would need the ability to "hallucinate"

[–] -2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

All models hallucinate, it's just how language models work.

yes, i know. I'm ok with hallucinations.

Do you have sources for this claim that Mistral's models are trying to deceive anyone?

source is me and a chat i had with "le chat" a couple of days ago. I wanted to test it's capabilities, so I asked it to invent a joke. It copy-pasted from reddit everytime! I pointed that out, i asked it to stop using reddit as source. It kept excusing itself and giving me reddit jokes while claiming that they're genuine "never heard before" jokes. I call that "deception" and not "hallucination".

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

mistral's ai is shit. It's not hallucinating, it's trying to deceive.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

"LibreOffice was based on"

:/ 😕 (

"All things must pass... except perhaps Reddit."

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