I like referring to it as xitter, pronounced "shitter". What were once tweets are now steaming piles of xit. Or someone taking/dropping a xit.
Height matters too. You can have text on the right be "first" but it needs to be obviously higher on the page.
Biggest controversy about our president at that time was that our president got blowjobs.
Consensual blow jobs.
Smack me in the back of the head like yoshi and I'll swallow anything... anything
It's different. You posted elsewhere that broccoli had sulfurophane compounds which contribute to the smell. Sulfur is pretty universally stinky. It's in the rotten egg smell, skunks, and fireworks. So if sulfur is involved, it will likely have a strong odor. Cilantro is a genetic issue. There's a gene on the 11th chromosome that allows a small percentage of people to taste the aldehyde components of the plant giving it a soap-like taste to those people.
I took it more of as "broccoli smells good" rather than it doesn't smell at all. Which I agree with personally. However I'm also not dating op so I'm sure they will give my opinion the appropriate consideration in their decision.
I'd argue some of this depends on how old you are. Hypothetically if you're very young and there's a lot of deeper issues between your father and mother, it might not be best to try to explain a lot of that to you. Young kids aren't going to really grasp the nuance of certain things or shouldn't be burdened with something like "your mother was horribly abusive to me and also cheating, and I needed a way out as I was emotionally wrecked myself". That example is a bit extreme to be fair. But from that you might get a sense for when that scenario should be revealed to the child (likely as an adult), or depending on how far reality departs from that example when would be an appropriate time.
Now on the other end of the hypothetical spectrum, if you're older and your dad was just an asshole cheating for fun, I can see that being a justifiable reason to cut them off (situationally dependent).
Odds are you land somewhere between these. If you don't have friends or other family to talk to about it, it might behoove you to try and get some professional counseling. And understand that someone else could go through the exact same situation as you and come to a different conclusion and that doesn't mean either of you are wrong.