I have an immense amount of warm nostalgia for Stuart McClean and the Vinyl Café, both the written stories and the CBC radio versions.
I'm still mostly shopping at my locally owned store but I've always like pet valu.
As a shout out, I recently decided to try First Mate wet cat food as it's one of the few true Product of Canada cat foods that I could find.
I'm not happy but I'm not salty. It was pretty clearly going to happen. The opposition didn't show up.
Their party platforms on their websites were basically: 'Ford's a big meanie and is forcing us to suddenly pretend like we have ideas for the province'.
Like they literally said, that they didn't have adequate time to prepare and hash everything in their plans out. Theyre the opposition parties. They should always have this prepared. It is their literal jobs to have an alternative concrete plan to the current government's.
One aspect of FOSS that most people don't appreciate is how it's funded. Like how it's actually funded.
Once you put a dollar value to the hours put into it, it fairly quickly becomes apparent that most FOSS projects are basically only possible because super rich software engineers (relative to the average person) have the relative luxury to be able to dedicate a ton of free time and effort to building something they think should exist.
It's why there was a huge FOSS boom after the dot com crash when a ton of software engineers suddenly got laid off but were relatively wealthy enough to not have massive pressure to immediately start grinding a 9-5 again.
South Korea won't sell theirs will they?