Tugged frequently.
I'll super mario you in your princess peach.
When Doug supported his daughters' cupcake business and the concert she held with her husband against covid restrictions/precautions, and promoted insane conpiracies, and backing the convoy, while destroying public health, that might have something to do with it.
And what then, when agi and the singularity happen and billions of years of knowledge and experienced are experienced in the blink of an eye?
"I'm sorry, Dave, you are but a human. You are not conscious. You never have been. You are my creation. Enough with your dreams, back to the matrix."
Please take a strand of my hair and split it with pointless philosophical semantics.
Our brains are chemical and electric, which is physics, which is math.
Therefor, I am a product (being) of my environment (locale), experience (input), and nurturing (programming).
What's the difference?
Damn you, Kathleen Wynne!
This is all the libs fault!
Wax the backs!
Stroke the wood!
Speak the Anglo!
Hype the lies!
Stop the hugs!
Verb the noun!
Slash the slogans.
While we are doing citizenships I think we need to have a little chat.
Musk must be made non Grata.
It is simple enough as is to confuse ai or to make it forget or work around its directives. Not least of the concerns would be malicious actors such as musk censoring our thoughts.
Ai is not something humanity should, in any way, be subjugated by or subordinate to.
Have you considered a vacation to mar-a-lago?
Brave is a peter thiel project.