It was also raw as fuck. That allowed for some very honest interactions but also introduced a shitload of trash to filter through. Then the whole political influx came in a decade ago and fully ruined it. lemmy seems like a good middle way. no senseless karma farming but also some tools to moderate.
joined 2 years ago
While there, pick up some books. I stumbled into my library 2 years ago and picked some books up. Got sucked into exzessive smartphone use before that and could barely read more than 10 minutes without getting restless or sleepy. Took a while to recondition myself to just sitting in a chair and reading but it‘s so much better than endless scrolling.
Fuck the endless barrage of subscription services. Imma just sit in me chair, read me book and torrent the occasional movie.
It's pretty much dead to me. I know it was always ass but at some point the OC/spam ratio gets too bad to bother. Lost memes were a good time. Now I'd have to sift through 80 incels calling eachother tranny to find a single post with a shred of an original thought behind it. Eh, maybe it's the same and I just got too old for it. Doesn't matter in the end.