Right to repair used to be intrinsically understood by almost everyone. Electronics used standard components and came with the schematics. Car had government managed standardized interchangeable parts. Now led headlight are 2000$ and unrepairable..
I used to be on digg. Fuck digg, let's ddos these cunts. Then cook some reddit datacenters.
Still hits too close to home
They're busy, collapse the data center support columns.
I want it all in a physical object in my home, that I can throw in the furnace any time. I don't mind the extra milliseconds, I want it in my computer not someone else's computer aka the cloud
We need open source, local running, use tunable, auditable, collectively shareable content discovery algorithm
Open source, tunable locally running content discovery and search with crowd sourced share preference models (like, people who like x probably like y)
I tried ipfs and have not managed to download a single file or where I might find them. How is I2P?
I built jet engines every day. By far my biggest daily obstacle is the business and money people getting in my ducking way, trying to "increase my efficiency" by squeezing more work out of me with their jedi mind tricks. And when I don't make 35% more output, they'll try to turn younger union members against me. Telling them I'm the reason tgey have to work faster because I'm not doing my part. Fuck this shit system. Let me build my fucking engine in peace like I have been for 17 years you fucking fucks!!
They use the same silicon silicon for datacenter products Vcpu is something that allows a gpu to be used by multiple virtual machines at the same time.
They use a laser to break this part before selling it to you, so that you and your sister can't share the same card at the dame time and instead have to buy two.
Is there something like deluge for i2p?