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[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

How did we overthrow Kings again? Something about us becoming ahem "Enlightened" during some sort of era or period? What can we learn from the successes and failures? How did Europeans get ideas of freedom, autonomy, equality, and question of authority from when all they knew about was Kings and Divine Right? Did they perhaps go to some kind of ahem New World with a matchcoat and musket to live and trade amongst the natives for 200 years?! Perhaps there was some sort of ahem Indiginous Critique on European Culture that sorta blew the minds of the French, English, and Dutch alike? Perhaps they wrote some plays about this! That they could disobey or :gasps: impeach their leaders? That pursuasion and reason might be more important? Perhaps over some coffee and pipe tobacco? Oh right, next thing you'd think i'd say is they didn't trade or so much as look at silver? How they MUST have had a "Market" how else could goods or heirlooms possibly trade hands? Certainly not gifts, quests, or gambling! Jeez, I wonder if we still have something to learn from these ideas that were just too darn complicated for Ben Franklin and Jean Jacque Rousseau!

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (16 children)

good is the overwhelming majority.

Let the overwhelming centrist majority in 1930's Germany tell you otherwise. People who peacefully ignore evil, even if it's preserve their own safety, are not good at heart. People just don't want trouble or disturbance, that's why people are naturally kind from day to day. But ignoring the piles of bodies while saying "no politics at the dinner table" is literally how the holocaust happened - the majority failed to act.

1930's Germany at least had the excuse of limited information/education, all they had was radio from which only Hitler's voice was present. 100 years later with the worlds knowledge at our fingertips, ignorance to politics is a choice. Might I say an evil one, all things considered.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I used to go to protests, from USA to Australia to NZ and UK... I'm not going to another protest until we start occupying gated communities. I'm sick of standing around looking pathetic occupying some sidewalk and politely leaving when told to by police. And to think that's the best the so-called "leftists" can do, then I remember to back when things were bad - how the police and FBI would raid groups, murder them, drop bombs on them, and assassinate their leadership - and realize that leftism was defeated long ago. I want to keep it peaceful, and start picketing in places that matter like outside mansions and gated communities. Just stand outside the homes of billionaires to tell them we know where they live, we out number them, I think would be enough to shake things up a bit because they're cowards too. However, in my heartest of hearts, I believe anything short of an armed overthrow of one dozen billionaires will never be enough. Fuck tinkering and pushing the needle slightly. Loud and armed leftist groups are needed now more than ever and there's zero of them to be found.

[–] -1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Okay, keep working for your salary and don't show up to protests, see what happens. You'll either fight them eventually or take their side to pay the bills.

[–] -1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Don't get exhausted before the real fight, otherwise we're doomed. I better start seeing more of ya'll taking the day off work and risking your salary to stop Nazi's, otherwise you might as well be one yourself.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Ah yes, because a video of a Nazi salute isn't antisemetic but a jewish college student protesting apartheid and wearing a keffiyeh is! What a time to be alive!

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