What do they normally put on hot dogs in NY?
joined 2 years ago
So can we start over?
May have relevancy? Dude, if something is about fascism, it's absolutely relevant today.
I'll repeat my comment from some time ago. He doesn't deserve Kathy Bates. He can get Rosanne Barr or Rob Schneider.
It's been said more than once, that Musk isn't an asset to a company but a liability. Tesla didn't succeed because of Musk but despite him.
Weren't zoot suits cool at some point?
Ok, but she is still alive.
Those would make cool t-shirts .
30% is "soso" but a 100% is only "Thank You"? In this case the 100% should be "Walk over to the other side of the register so the boss can blow You".
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I would think. Everything is better with mayo.