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[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

A gas (or wood) stove will, which is why they're still common in rural areas that face power outages more frequently. Your comment is the first mention of furnaces.

Personally, I use more than 2 burners pretty often. Honestly, it's a bit of a waste of everyone's time to debate whether or not a camping stove is a universal replacement for a gas stove since everyone has different needs. For the scenario I described, a gas stove is the better option.

I would be pretty pissed if I had to use a camping stove instead of a gas stove during an outage just because. They're totally different tools suited for different use cases and environments.

[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 36 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah, that's simply the price of hunting those particular animals, with the caveat that they don't even have to pay it if they don't get caught.

These particular offenders were slapped with a year of probation where they can't legally hunt at all, but for people who make a habit of hunting illegally, that's not much of a deterrent.

...You do know that an oven needs a dedicated outlet, yes? As in, if you don't have a 30-50A receptacle in your home, one must be installed in order for you to have an oven. All new builds and most existing buildings have this dedicated outlet.

Edit: I see that you're using stove and oven separately. I am talking about a range (oven and stovetop combined), since where I live these are most common and "oven" and "stovetop" are roughly interchangeable. Apologies for any confusion.

[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Should be a lot more than 18A. Should be closer to 30A-50A to account for usage. 18A is what a kitchen receptacle would require and is so low that an oven on a 18A breaker would trip constantly. I'm Canadian so I mostly know the CEC but the NEC requirements in the USA are very similar.

More info if you're interested.

[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I'm confused as to why you're so confident. The US has 3-phase power and homes get 120V from line 1 to the neutral (split-phase). If you use line 1 and 2, you get 240V. More than enough to power an oven. This is the case in every modern residential home in the US because they have a national building code.

[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

While you're correct in general, in places where the power is out for a week, a camping/backpacking stove would be ill-suited to the task of keeping multiple people warm and fed. Especially in a house and not an apartment.

[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 15 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Did you know that the vast majority of electric stovetops aren't induction stovetops and you can use any pan you like on them? Personally, I would rather not breathe in carbon monoxide.

Lmao no, sticking your tongue out isn't a "gay" thing. I guess he's trying to be cute, so sorta feminine and stereotypical but it's not really something I'd consider part of gay culture. (I'm bi, my best friend is gay and I've hung out with a lot of gay men.)

[–] gonzo-rand19@moist.catsweat.com 0 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

As they should. Applications opened and yet we took in barely any and forced the application process to be grueling and confusing for no reason. We could have just taken them in. But no, we made them pay ahead of time, fill out forms, obtain familial sponsorship, travel with no support (financial or otherwise) to various places such as Egypt, etc.

I read months ago that multiple people have been murdered while waiting to proceed to the next stage. It's unconscionable that we allowed this and our failure here is yet another stain on Canada; we seem to be keen on collecting them, especially when it comes to Palestine.

I hope they win the suit. The entire process is/has been disgusting to witness and people are still being left to die.

Imagine hating LGBTQ people and women having rights so much that you actively look forward to a trade war that is most likely to result in your own poverty.

How bad is the American education system that the word tariff doesn't immediately inspire anger at national leadership? Tariffs aren't foreign policy and don't benefit consumers or companies.

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