So SearXNG?
I came really close back then, had a deposit but canceled due to realizing I had a perfectly good old car and didn't "need" one at the time. Hindsight says I lucked out.
If I did get it, and still had it (I would, I keep cars for 10+ years), I would probably rebadge it as an indicator of my dislike for what the brand has become.
I'd actually love to see a rebadging campaign by dissatisfied owners.
When you can predict the behavior of a company 10 years out, you pet me know. I'll make you my banker.
Until then, that whole comment is hot garbage.
Or Spam detection. A standard Bayesian filter would catch these with reports.
As I know we all find this funny, this is also fantastic.
With the use of agents bound to grow, this removes the need for TTS and STT meaning no power hungry GPU in the mix. A low-power microprocessor can handle this kind of communication.
You can run your own sync server in Docker.
Love me some Obtainium. Did my first PR this week (adding cross-device sync via SxncD)
To anyone complaining about non-replaceable RAM: This machine is for AI, that is why.
Think of it like a GPU wirh a CPU on the side, vs the other way around.
Inference requires very fast ram transfer speed, and that is only possible (currently) on soldered buses. Even this is pretty slow at 256Gb/s, but it's RAM size of 96GB to GPU makes it interesting for larger models.
Especially the dishwashers.
European and UK universal healthcare is able to exist in it's current form and at it's current cost because the US has private healthcare.
Healthcare Companies give heavy discounts to UK/EU to make extra money, they are fully funded by US payors and thus patients. If US healthcare went public and it ate into profits, and other countries run low on healthcare funds (the NHS, right now), private insurance or more likely, increased taxes, in those countries may be required. The NHS is already considering pay-to-play models.
Note: This is a simplification of lots of details around the international transactions and legislation.
Note 2: Before disagreeing, pick a pharma company and look at their annual report.
Note 3: Clarified form and cost based on an astute commenter below.
To add to this, don't buy a server at all, upgrade your desktop! Then use the desktop as a server. Then recycle every desktop for the rest of your life into the new server. Been working for me for decades.
Searching. XNG makes the "ch" then "ng" sound in some languages.
Thus Searx was "Search"