Fister the People and The Strokers are my favorite. I've been making that joke about the Strokes for years now. Truly a great band.
Linkin Pork
I don't smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.
I hate the Big Bang Theory. Autistic people are the punchline.
I wish it wasn't so ungodly difficult to flash a drive in Linux. Proper documentation would be nice too. I do have a flashed drive however.
MakeMKV? I don't understand.
Glad my tax dollars aren't going to waste /s
That's actually fucking rad.
I mostly shop on eBay now. Way better anyway.
I cancelled my prime membership. I'm going to look around for alternatives before I delete my account which I more than likely will be doing at this point.
Based on OP's comments I believe this is some trolling attempt