Is that a Hyrulian glyph?
And we still pay the vig to AdWords or does all my money go to LinkedIn now?
Yeah.. didn't expect Google to plain text that one for me...
I work in startups like many of us and forget I can see the code in the matrix sometimes. Even 20 yrs ago working in IT infrastructure VARs, I knew tech was just the toolset for business functions.
We might have mutual friends IRL! When's the next walk?
25% of commenters' usernames...
I was literally driving down 24th that way from Bryant at 13:30 after doing food bank deliveries. How'd it go??
I didn't understand the value of fdroid all since it feels like a web wrapper. Thanks to you finally pulled the trigger on Obtanium. Omg that's simple af
Are you familiar with chickens and eggs?
Don't be crazy and cite information from over two years ago (when nobody gave a fuck whether Palestinians lived or died).
Huh - it's almost like the whole situation is kinda complicated to those of us trying to understand for decades and shouldn't be simplified by useful idiots who just tuned in and spent their energy in the streets instead of the ballot box.
- Lol you're suggesting "being the one who makes the effort entitles one to be a dick"
- "It's not my job to educate people on" what being a dick is
- I believe that's technically whataboutism since none of my words were responded to directly
This real? He was a rich racist dick. Didn't take him for a man of the people.