We may be part of a simulation. Our entire universe may be a microscopic component of a much larger one. We may be weird 3 dimensional beings living on a planet inhabited by beings living in other dimensions that we cannot perceive. Their actions may affect our lives.
There are so many possibilities, I don't think it would ever be possible to truly know anything for certain.
I don't know for sure what I am, where I am, or why I am. But I am.
Other people and animals seem to have this same knowledge of their own existence. So I try to treat all humans and animals as I would like to be treated.
We don't know if we have a purpose but being kind, helping others, spreading joy and finding peace in beauty and love seems to be a pretty good way to go for me.
Mine shows the full path and a new line for commands.
It will also print the exit code of the last command in red above the prompt, if the exit code is not 0.
PS1='$(ec="$?"; if [ $ec -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "\n"[\e[91m]"exit code: $ec"[\e[0m]; fi)\n[\e[92m]\u[\e[38;5;213m]@[\e[38;5;39m]\h[\e[0m]:$PWD\n$ '
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