If I was just pitching the idea like OP does, I'd call it this, because it makes it easy to understand. If I meant it seriously and wanted to make a team to start working on it, I'd find a name for it in consultation with the originating team. The first thing I would definitely change would be the year.
That's what OP means, right?
How not to parent.
Oh, sorry, I'm too depressed from the world situation to see humour in anything..
The argument means that if there are severe systematic consequences to some things you say, then it cannot be considered free speech.
The western democracy he put's on the line is Europe and Canada, not the US. The US is gone.
With some types of beard there's no other way.
The problem is we know Russia won't stop. This is not the first time they attack their neibor. Ukraine and other countries have lost territory to Russia in the past. And we know the official Russian plan is to get the Soviet empire back, incuding the "sphere of influence" So it's not just about Ukraine, it's about a large part of Europe and about showing a bully they cannot continue with getting new land by force. They must be stopped. I just wish European countries intervened directly, that could save many lives and end the war for real. I don't believe the Russian nuclear threats.
We know they would treat Ukrainians terribly because we know what happened in the regions captured by them.
You would have to shave or trim your hair as well to get rid of clogging and slow drying.
I think you could call it that. I think democrats would need a long-term strategic plan now. Just an equivalent of Project 2025 is not enough. The GOP was working hard to gerrymander and whatnot for a long time. Now they won't hesitate to make any other changes so that the democrats can't win in the future. They need to come up with a sneaky strategy of how to get to power despite the fact that the system will be adjusted not to allow them.