Ah ok, you're a facsist troll. Congrats on making me waste my time.
These people are public officials, paid by the US government, having a public email addresses is the most common thing in every democratic country.
I don't know where you see an attack on a group of people here, but if you paid any attention lately, they are the ones attacking the population.
Welcome to the adolescent life. The world we are in right now as nothing to do with the world of the past 50+ years. Fascism is back, officials are making nazi salute, USA is threatening to annex Canada, supporting dictators, and attacking the very existence of minorities. I'm sorry to tell you, but you will have to pick a side, quickly, because some really bad things are coming up. Learn to intellectually protect yourself, Find RELIABLE source of information, educated yourself, don't fell for demagogy. That would be my best advice, good luck.
what a whiny bitch you are lol
Oh, I'm also First Nation from my mom's side. Go ahead, treat yourself with some casual racism only you americans have the secret of!
Found the guy who didn't vote lol. Keep being a little bitch, meanwhile we'll keep fighting for you, loser. https://stacker.com/stories/business-economy/major-boycotts-changed-history
Fuck all of them. When you associate with a fascist, you become a fascist, and when you defend someone who associates with a fascist, you also become one. Gretzky was good a playing a kid game, doesn't mean he's not a total asshole, fuck him.
Just avoid everything GAFAM. They were already capitalist bitches, now they're fascist capitalist bitches.
Boom the bourgeoisie
Conservative are terrified of everything.
I'm not doxing, you're doxing.
Of course he's coming for education. Under-education is the thing that got him elected in the first place so be prepare for an even more brainwashed america, if that's even possible.