Kinda redundant.
Naw, Inglorious Basterds makes a pretty strong case for branding the fuckers.
I've also noticed there's a disconnect in people who act like Nazis in actually recognizing their own actions as such. Show them a swastika or something blatant like that and their knee-jerk is to see it as adversarial, but they don't connect the dots between Nazism and figures like Elon Musk - to the contrary, they fucking love that evil piece of shit.
Forcing them to draw that connection by marking Musk's products with Nazi iconography may finally fire off that neglected single neuron in charge of introspection: and that would be therapeutic for everyone.
Honestly just a sheet of coarse grit sandpaper would do the trick. Would take all of about three seconds to scratch a big ol swastika on the back of a swasticar.'s like the automotive version of carving a swastika onto the foreheads of the Nazis in Inglorious Basterds, lol.
cool - all the more reason to deface our traitor in chief.
YES. My suggestion was to mark Trump as the Nazi he is - currency with Nazi iconography on it is not fit to be reissued. It's a petty protest, but the point is to make the proposed new bills inconvenient and convey a clear message until they're inevitably pulled.
Except by the wording of the specific law in question. o_O
I'm not seeing the disconnect here. Nor the need for the disconnect in the first place: the first post I made here was to encourage people to deface prints of Trump. If you disagree that there's a legal barrier to doing so, then cool - all the more reason to deface our traitor in chief.
Why are you wrapping random words with quotation marks? It reads like it's being spoken aloud by Dr. Evil. Anyway, gonna go with the wording of the law itself over a wiki article about it:
18 U.S. Code § 331 - Mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins
This one's specific to coins. Anecdotally I was always told they were legal because pennies are explicitly an exception to that law. So, it's either that or it's in j-walking territory where it may be illegal, but no one gives a shit enough to enforce it.
...also coins aren't really relevant here anyway - the conversation is about defacing paper bills if they decide to soil them with Trump's traitorous image.
Then do the thing? Is super duper illegal different from regular illegal? Why are we bashing heads over the use of 'super duper' in NotTheOnion in the first place?
18 U.S. Code § 333 - Mutilation of national bank obligations
I guess there's some wiggle room with regards to intent and whether it could be argued that adding Nazi iconography (moreso than trump's face as-is) to bills renders them unfit to be kept in circulation.
If my personal freedom was on the line here, I'm sticking with "idk it was like that when I got it - can I get a new one please?" vs "ooh come on, it's fiiine, you can still spend this!" but interpreting the law isn't my specialty, so grain of salt.
Here's the specific stuff I'm familiar with:
99% of the cases that use bone cement I've been in, in all of the hospitals I've worked at, have used that specific product. With the exception of a shoulder surgeon I worked with who liked this goopy blue shit that got everywhere.
In any case, that stuff is, uh... pungent. Like even when I'm not in the ortho room, if I want to check on how far along their case is, I don't even need to actually look in the OR - getting near the room is enough to tell me whether or not the implants are in, indicated by the presence or absence of that smell within about 15-feet of each entrance to that OR.
Pregnant or not, I can't imagine breathing that shit every day is doing us any favors. >_>
...and that's ignoring electrocautery smoke, radiation, and all the biohazardous shit we're exposed to in there. I swear in 10 years we're going to be featured in cautionary training videos about what happens when you don't use whatever latest-and-greatest technique is being pitched to keep that shit out of our lungs.
Yeah Project 2025 is a modern Mein Kampf. That isn't hyperbole.
Opposition does need a plan, but branding is important.