Love Steve Boots. To me, he is "spicy" and non-apologetic.
Exactly. This is the reason why titles becoming more and more "clickbaity". Eyeballs and clicks are what they need to justify their ads/marketing budget. After that manufactured rage "engagement" equals to "internet fortune and fame".
I also read Reuters.
I too live in a very conservative area but I will still be voting and I will be voting Liberal. Voting is my right and responsibility as a citizen and I intend to exercise my right regardless of what others do.
I have also read books by Katherena Vermette (start with "The Break"). For more dystopian read, I love Waubgeshig Rice ("Moon of the Crusted Snow").
For murder mysteries, I would recommend Armand Gamache (set in Quebec) series by Louise Penny. I always get excited when a new Louise Penny's book arrives in my local library.
Perhaps you can try to apply for engineering jobs in Canada (in pharmaceutical companies?) and get your company to sponsor you? In term of dietitian, Canada has something called Registered Dietitian, your wife may want to research that.